Many health insurance plans do not automatically include maternity care. If you plan to have children in the relatively near future, this is an important issue to address. Following these tips can help ensure that you pick the right maternity coverage for your situation.
Rely on Professional Advice
Comparing the difference between the maternity coverage offered by different plans can be overwhelming, to say the least. To help you accurately compare apples and oranges, you will likely benefit from the advice of one or more insurance professionals. Until the new healthcare laws are fully implemented, not all plans will cover maternity needs — especially if you have an existing work health plan. When shopping for your own plan, an insurance professional can help you better understand the pros and cons of each insurance plan and can make sure that you have enough coverage.
Examine the Details
Remember to check the details of the coverage provide by whatever plan you choose. When comparing plans, consider whether your child’s first few doctor appointments will be covered, check whether there is a reimbursement limit and make sure that an extended hospital stay (should it prove necessary) will be covered by your plan. Issues like these can be easy for new parents to forget until it is too late. You can never fully anticipate what your medical needs will be before birth, so plan for the unexpected while you have the chance.
Consider Purchasing Independently
You should know that with new regulations in place, if your current job does not offer insurance, most new plans that you purchase on your own will include some form of maternity coverage. However, you should still shop around to compare other aspects of each plan before making a final decision. Just because the plan offered by your employer states that it covers maternity expenses does not mean that it will be right for your situation, whether for maternity or for other issues. Purchasing coverage independently may help you choose a plan that is more specifically tailored to all your needs.