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Life and Health

Resolve to Quit Smoking and Achieve Success With Top Cessation Tips

By January 6, 2015No Comments

Have you resolved to quit smoking this year? If so, you’ll feel healthier, enjoy a better quality of life and save money. Several tips, including this short list, help you find success.


Keep a Craving Journal


In the week before your quit date, record details like when cravings hit and their intensity, how often, where and with whom you smoke and how you feel after you smoke. This information assists you in choosing smoking cessation tips and tools that address your specific needs.


Schedule a Quit Date

Saying you’ll quit one day isn’t enough. You need a specific date, preferably in the next week or so before you lose your resolve.


Tell People Your Plan


With accountability, you’re more likely to succeed. So tell the people in your life about your plans to quit, and ask a few close family members, friends, neighbors or coworkers to encourage and support you.


Anticipate the Challenges


No matter how much you want to quit, you’ll face challenges like insomnia, cravings, headaches or depression. Many quitting smokers resume their habit within three months, but anticipating challenges increases your chances for success.


Remove Tobacco


You can’t be successful if you store or hide cigarettes, lighters or ashtrays anywhere at home or work. Toss all tobacco-related products and consider deep cleaning your home’s carpets and furniture as well as your car to erase everything from your past.


Consider Medication


Your doctor can recommend gum, lozenges or a patch as you quit your habit. He or she can also prescribe medication that addresses depression, anxiety, stress or other feelings and emotions that affect your smoking patterns.


Take up a Hobby


Exercise, meditate, draw or do some other hobby that keeps your mind and hands busy. These distractions help you get and stay healthy.


Chew Something


Gum, fruit and nuts stimulate your need to chew. They’re healthy, too.


Quitting isn’t easy, but you can do it. Talk with your health insurance company for additional tips and smoking cessation classes as you invest in your health and keep your New Year’s resolution.