The coordination required to reduce material handling pays off in efficiency and safety. Schedule delivery of materials an supplies so they arrive when needed, or slightly before.
Major building components need to arrive so they are placed as they are removed from the truck. Not laid down and revisited in two months. Soaked structural components placed in buildings create environments for microbes, fungus and mildew.
Any heavy materials or supplies difficult to balance on a forklift require storage where needed for construction. This storage can conflict with on-going operations, which suggests not delivering these components until installation day.
Off site storage requires moving material twice not recommended. But supplies can be stored off site if easily loaded and brought by small truck. This solution avoids theft and sloppy storage areas.
Provide and train personal protection equipment for site employees. Steel-toed boots, safety glasses, lifting belts, gloves, and hardhats at a minimum.
Train employees to lift weighty objects correctly, or simply ask for help. Bending and twisting causes hundreds of thousands of injuries per year.
Allow only trained workers to operate forklifts or mobile equipment. Load stability is critical to safe operations. Train all employees regarding the risk of these loads falling, make sure they are all aware.
Lay out storage areas with purpose. Know which items are incompatible for close by storage. The fueling area should not abut the welding area for example.
Do not allow high stacking of pallets or boxes. Falling items can break bones and crush body parts.
Talk to the site supervisors about storage on site and assess how much material can be stored safely, prior to groundbreaking. Plan deliveries for the shortest possible storage time. Try to move items only once on the site, plan accordingly. Reducing the loading, unloading and movement of stored materials will reduce strains, sprains, broken and crushed bones, and back injuries.