Wireless Internet
Anyone can access the information you send over an unsecured wireless Internet connection. Change your connection to secure or private immediately. When you do connect to a network, make sure it’s password-protected and encrypted especially when you send, receive or download sensitive, confidential or financial data. You can also use routers with Wireless-N security for better protection. In cases when you do need to use a public wireless network, don’t send or receive sensitive data. Set your laptop to ask permission before connecting to an open wireless network or save those transfers for when you’re back on your secure network in the office.
Common passwords are easy to hack. Instead, use a mix of random capital and lowercase letters, numbers and characters, and be sure each account you use has a different password. Change your passwords at least once a month, too, and encourage coworkers to do the same when you put the task on the company calendar. Remember not to share passwords with anyone as you keep them safe.
Links and Attachments
When sending or receiving links and attachments via email, you also risk sending and receiving viruses. Check the sender’s email address and the file name before you open any attachment. Avoid opening anything that looks or seems fishy.
Website Security
Your business probably uses several websites to manage customer accounts or banking details. Be sure each website is secure before you use it. Look for the lock icon in the URL box whenever you use a website to manage business data.
Software Updates
Software developers and operating system manufacturers constantly make improvement to their products. Check regularly for updates on all the software you install. Security patches and other fixes keep your computer safer and ensure your software is operating properly. Choose automatic update or manually update your desktops and laptops at least once a week. Be sure to restart your computers to complete the changes, as well.
Internet safety requires several precautions. Make sure all your team members understand the risks and the ways to avoid these risks. You should also contact your insurance agent for a liability policy. It can cover you in case your careful Internet safety precautions are ever compromised.