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Your Employee Matters

How to Maximize Your Commute

By July 1, 2016No Comments

em-july16-4How many hours a week do you spend in your car, in the air or riding a bike, bus, train or ferry to work? The average commute is 25.5 minutes, so whether you drive, ride, walk or fly, your commute could total nearly five hours a week. Consider several tips that help you maximize that time.


Catch up on the latest novels, current events or stock prices when you read. Keep a magazine in your briefcase, download a book to your phone or grab a paper at the corner store and enjoy personal or professional reading on your way to and from work.


On your laptop, in your journal or on notebook paper, write a novel, thank you notes or emails. You can also type to-do lists, note ways to grow your business or outline professional goals. If you’re driving, consider software that types as you talk, allowing you to write hands-free.


Open your calendar and spend a few minutes planning your day, week, month and year. Jot down important business meetings, family events and personal obligations. You can also plan dinner reservations for client meetings, your next vacation or your menu for the week.


It’s tempting to stay to yourself during your commute, but the person sitting next to you could be your next client, co-worker or friend. Consider connecting with the people around you as you commute.


Sometimes, there simply is not time during the day to call potential clients, current customers or even your mom. If you’re not the vehicle operator, use your commute to make calls or send texts.


You could learn a new language, enhance your business acumen or uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations on your way to work. Simply download podcasts, listen to CDs or tune into a university website.


Walk or bike to work, and you automatically get a workout. If you ride, stomp your feet, squeeze your abdominal muscles or stretch as you keep your body moving.


Unless you’re driving, consider taking a nap. Even a little shut eye can refresh and rejuvenate you for your work day or family responsibilities after work.


Sometimes, stress from daily life, a big meeting or a recent mistake can be overwhelming. Focus your mental energy when you meditate. It can be as simple as turning off the radio and listening to the silence, repeating your favorite mantra aloud or in your mind or tuning into your favorite meditation channel.