- Turn down the screen brightness and reduce blue light.
- Reposition work materials to between 20 and 26 inches from your eyes.
- Adjust your chair and posture so your worksite is slightly below your eyes level.
- Look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds once every 20 minutes.
- Increase the screen font or use a magnifying glass to see small items.
- Blink regularly throughout the day or use eye drops to prevent dry eye.
Wear the Correct Eye Safety Equipment
Employees who work with hazardous materials or operate equipment need to wear the proper eye safety equipment. Glasses, goggles and helmets, along with three steps, protect their eyesight.
- Wear eye safety gear at all times.
- Ensure the eye protection fits properly.
- Replace worn or torn eye safety equipment immediately.
This month, schedule an eye safety equipment inspection. Additionally, remind employees of the procedure for reporting eye accidents or injuries. You may also offer a refresher course on how to use the eye wash and first aid stations.
Encourage a Healthy Diet
The right foods can prevent eyesight deterioration and protect eyes from damage. For optimal eye health, encourage your employees to eat foods that are high in zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, such as:
- Green leafy vegetables.
- Non-meat proteins, including eggs, beans and nuts.
- Oily fish like tuna and salmon.
- Citrus fruit and juice.
Promote Regular Eye Checkups
An optometrist checks for vision changes and reviews eye health. The eye’s health and condition can even indicate an employee’s risk of developing diabetes, hypertension or other chronic illnesses.
If possible, provide vision insurance so your employees can visit an eye doctor at least once every year. Remind employees this month to take advantage of their vision benefit and ensure their eye health.
During Workplace Eye Wellness Month, you can follow these tips to protect your employees’ eye health and eyesight. Your insurance agent can provide additional tips that promote eye wellness this month and all year.