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By Construction Insurance Bulletin

An environmentally-friendly heating system that just doesn’t work…Units certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) program that don’t meet certification requirements…Contractors facing lawsuits from building owners because they were denied tax breaks from promised green structures…

As sustainable buildings become increasingly common, more and more contractors are facing potential losses from their green construction activities. In response, insurance companies are tailoring Property policies to meet these needs. However, it can be hard to define what makes a building green – and how to determine green-related damages.

According to the California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle), “A green building, also known as a sustainable building, is a structure that is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner to protect occupant health, improve employee productivity; use resources more efficiently; and reduce the overall environmental impact.” The Environmental Protection Agency defines a green building process as “the practice of maximizing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use resources – energy, water and materials – from siting, design, and construction, to operation, renovation, and reuse.”

As a rule of thumb, the definition of “green” should match the needs of the owner and the environmental standards of the region. For example, the determining factor might be low water use in the desert Southwest, and lower heating bills in the Northeast.

So far, most claims filed under “green” Construction policies have come from advanced systems used in sustainable buildings – technologies so new that insurance companies might not understand fully how they work and what their shortcomings might be. In the final analysis, the deciding factor will probably lie in the contractual agreement between the building owner and the construction contractor.

If you are, or plan to be, active in green construction, we can work with your insurance company to help tailor the coverage you’ll need.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

A gas line explosion…A short circuit that fries electric wiring…Even a lightning strike…Any building site under construction or renovation is highly vulnerable.

Builder’s Risk insurance will pay for loss or damage to a structure (and, in some cases, of the materials, fixtures and/or equipment used to build or renovate it) caused by a variety of perils – such as windstorms, hail, theft, and vandalism. The policyholder can also extend coverage to include;

  • Property in transit to the job site or stored at a secure offsite location.
  • Scaffolding, construction forms, and temporary structures on the site.
  • Removing debris from covered property.
  • Paying firefighters to save or protect property.
  • Replacing blueprints or construction plans.

As a rule, Builders Risk insurance does not cover losses due to mechanical breakdowns, floods, earthquakes, water damage, or rioting.

These policies are often written for a three month, six month, or 12 month coverage term. If the project is not completed by the end of the initial term, it may be extended in many cases, but usually only one time. Coverage ends when the property is ready for use or occupancy.

The amount of coverage, usually based on the project budget, should reflect the total completed value of the structure (including costs of materials and labor), but not the value of the land.

Depending on the circumstances, either the building contractor, developer, or owner(s) can buy Builders Risk. If a bank issues a construction loan, it will usually require the borrower to purchase a policy. In many cases, showing proof of insurance might be mandatory under city, county and state building codes

For more information on this valuable coverage, please feel free to get in touch with our Construction Insurance specialists at any time.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

Your Liability insurance premiums are based on two fundamental factors: First, the types of operations you perform (carpentry, electrical, etc.); and second, the amount of payroll and/or revenue assigned to, or arising from, those services. Although your business and insurance programs might use other methods and variables, these are the two key factors in nearly all Liability ratings. Therefore, it’s important to calculate your payroll and revenue numbers as accurately as possible.

One possible area of confusion arises from the fact that insurance rating rules don’t calculate these numbers in the same way that your tax advisor or bookkeeper would for general business purposes. This is to your advantage, because most of the insurance rules dictate what you don’t have to count in determining payroll and revenues used to rate Liability premiums. For example, special rating rules minimize the amount of any overtime pay you must include in the total used in calculating premiums.

We can help show your accountant or bookkeeper the rating rules that will help track these numbers to give the most accurate premium. Be sure to advise us of any significant changes in your operations that might require revising the classification of your business for liability rating purposes. Having the right numbers assigned to the correct classifications can make obtaining an accurate premium audit quick, clean, and hassle free.

If it affects your insurance, it affects us. Let’s work together to keep your insurance program a great value for your investment.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

Wrap-up or “Wrap” Construction insurance can provide a highly effective tool to reduce costs and avoid headaches in insuring large, complex projects and the workers building them.

Wrap policies usually offer superior coverage, higher policy limits and greater contract certainty than traditional Commercial General Liability, Workers Compensation, and (often) Builders Risk insurance written for individual subcontractors and types of risk. What’s more, Wrap coverage can minimize potential cross-litigation on construction projects.

Although they’ve been available for decades, these policies have become widespread in recent years, due to the skyrocketing costs of raw materials, financing, and litigation. There are two types of Wrap coverage; owner-controlled insurance policies (OCIP), and contractor-controlled insurance policies (CCIP). Either variety allows the owner to spread the risk among different parties, while providing a seamless insurance safety net for every company and individual involved – which can translate into profit, based on loss experienced over the life of the policy.

Because of their extensive coverage, Wrap policies are usually more expensive than other types of Construction insurance for the owner or primary contractor, who will pass on the extra cost among the general contractors and sub-contractors on the project. This is a small price to pay considering the peace of mind that comes from having all coverages and insured parties protected under a single policy.

Because of their complexity, insurance companies often tailor Wrap policies for each project, writing them on a customized (“manuscript”) basis. Our agency’s professionals would be happy to work with you and your insurer in creating coverage that’s comprehensive and cost-effective. That’s what we’re here for.


By Personal Perspective

If you rent all or part of your property to others, it makes sense to buy this special type of Homeowners insurance. A Landlord policy will cover damage to the building and your belongings, and protect you against potentially catastrophic legal and medical cost suits from lawsuits by people injured on your property.

If the property is mortgaged, the lender will usually require that you buy enough coverage to pay off the outstanding loan balance.

Above this level, you can tailor your Landlord coverage to your needs and budget in a number of ways:

  1. Changing the deductible (which usually ranges from $100 to 5% of the building coverage).
  2. Selecting the type of losses covered, by buying either “comprehensive” coverage – which pays for losses from all causes, unless specifically excluded – or on a “named perils” basis, which covers only losses from a listed number of causes.
  3. Choosing the type of reimbursement – either “actual cash value” (the value of your property, less depreciation) or the more expensive “replacement value.”
  4. Adding coverage to provide reimbursement for loss of rental income during a period when the property is uninhabitable.
  5. Covering increased liability risks from dealing with tenants, such as legal fees, libel, slander, and discrimination claims.

In making your decision, assess the benefits of potential premium savings against the risk of paying for hefty classes.

Our Homeowners’ Insurance specialists will be happy to evaluate your situation and recommend a comprehensive, cost effective solution. Just get in touch with us at any time.


By Personal Perspective

You pull into the grocery store parking lot to pick up a few snacks, and park. As you head for the door, you push a button on your keyless remote to lock it. You don’t hear that faint chirp, but you’re in a hurry. Fifteen minutes later, you discover that your car is gone. Welcome to the world of 21st-century auto theft!

On the surface, things appear to be improving. Vehicle thefts fell 3.3% nationwide in 2011 (the most recent data) for the eighth straight year. However, auto theft still costs the nation an estimated $5.8 billion a year, thanks to streetwise thugs who feed chop shops and supply lucrative international black markets. These days, car thieves are becoming smarter, more tech-savvy, and harder than ever to stop.

Anyone can go to a home-improvement store and buy a $20 device that jams the remote keyless entry transmitter on a vehicle. If you aren’t paying attention, you walk away from your vehicle, press the button on the remote, and assume that it locks. However, a thief might be two cars over in the parking lot, punching a button to block the signal. The vehicle doesn’t lock, and the thief can take your laptop, portable GPS, or whatever else is inside. With enough time, he can even steal the vehicle!

To guard against jammers, pay attention to your surroundings and make sure your car doors do indeed lock when you press the button. Listen for the click or chirp, or look for the quick flash of lights that confirmations locking on most cars. If the vehicle doesn’t lock, try again. However, if locking doesn’t work on the second attempt – or if you see someone lurking nearby – move your car to a different spot.

An ounce of prevention…


By Personal Perspective

Of all Homeowners insurance losses, those from water damage are among the most common. Many people often don’t consider the potential risks in their own homes until it’s too late.

To minimize hazards that can cause water damage claims, we’d like to recommend these steps:

  • Check for leaks. Periodically inspect the area around the refrigerator, washer, dishwasher, water heater, sinks, and toilets for drips, puddles, and discolored, warped, or soft flooring.
  • Pay attention to your water bill. Monthly fluctuations could indicate a leak.
  • Periodically check your water pressure. Water losses often occur due to excessive water pressure. Buy a pressure gauge at your local hardware store, and hook it up to a hose bib. If it’s above 65 psi, install a water pressure regulator.
  • Before you go on vacation, take precautions. If temperatures in your area could dip below freezing, make sure that any exposed pipes are insulated, turn off the water supply to individual fixtures, and turn your furnace to low so that the pipes will stay warm enough to avoid bursting.

If you need to file a claim, follow these guidelines:

  • Stop the source of the water by turning off the water main.
  • Call your insurance company immediately. Most companies have staff 24/7 to help you set appointments with contractors who can dry out your house. Your insurer will also send an adjuster to assess the damage.
  • Don’t start any major repair efforts until the adjuster has been to your home!
  • Determine what was lost and document it. Even if things were ruined, don’t throw them away. Keep pieces of the damaged floor or ceiling, along with any valuable personal property, such as electronics or furniture. At a minimum, take photos or video of the damage.

For more information, give us a call at any time.


By Personal Perspective

Its tax time again. As you travel down the bumpy road of deductions, you might be able to write off some of your car expenses, including a percentage of your insurance premiums:

  • Business use of your car
    • If you’re self employed and drive your vehicle for work, or if you have a job and use the car for work-related reasons without reimbursement, you might be able to deduct part of your premium.

      Determine the percentage of time that you use the vehicle for work and then base your deduction for auto expenses (including insurance premiums, as well as gas, oil, repairs, registration fees, lease payments, depreciation, parking and toll fees) on this percentage. To qualify for these deductions, they’ll need to total more than 2% of your adjusted gross income.

      The alternative is to take the standard business mileage deduction (currently 55.5¢ a mile).

  • Loss, theft, or damage
    • You may be able to claim a loss deduction if your car is stolen, damaged, or totaled in an accident, provided your policy doesn’t reimburse you for the full loss. You may also be able to write off your insurance deductible as part of a theft or casualty loss. However, you can take the deduction only if an individual loss comes to at least $100 and the total loss for the year tops 10% of gross income.

Be sure to keep all relevant receipts, including expenses and police reports, in case the IRS or insurance company asks for verification.

If you have any questions about getting the most mileage out of possible Auto insurance deductions, feel free to get in touch with the specialists at our agency. As always, we’re here to help!


By Employment Resources

Although more than three in four businesses offer their employees wellness programs, fewer than half believe that these programs provide an effective return on investment (ROI). That’s the bottom line on a recent nationwide survey by Business Insurance of more than 300 companies.

Check out these highlights from the study:

  • More than nine in ten respondents (93%) describe their programs as “extremely successful,” “very successful,” or “somewhat successful.”
  • More than four in five (81%) measure the success of their programs primarily by employee participation rates, while more than two in three (68%) rely on feedback from employees.
  • The great majority (85% of public companies and 70% of privately held firms and nonprofits) offer employees money or other incentives linked to participation in their programs.
  • Nearly three in four (59%) see improving employee health as the main objective of their program.
  • Fewer than one in three (28%) focus on reducing health care costs.

Experts say that employers can improve their ROI (directly or indirectly) from wellness programs by shifting focus from broadly-based activities (on-site health screenings and immunizations, weight-loss and stop-smoking programs, etc.) to individual health care — such as personal coaching, workplace safety evaluations, wellness newsletters, and classes on stress management and nutrition.

Companies can also boost their ROI by evaluating their programs at least once a year. The Business Insurancesurvey found that nearly one in three respondents (32%) failed to measure the participation rate or effectiveness of their programs on an annual basis.

If you’d like a comprehensive review of the benefits your employee wellness program provides, just get in touch with us.


By Employment Resources

Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Many business owners don’t understand the fees employees are paying for their 401(k) plans.

A recent nationwide survey of 500 small businesses (with 100 or fewer employees) by ShareBuilder 401k found that employers’ inability to figure out these fees leaves them unprepared for the questions their plan participants are asking — a situation that could cost workers big bucks.

The survey found that most small business owners are unaware of what constitutes a fair percentage for 401(k) fees. Says ShareBuilder 401k president Stuart Robertson, “Everyone has a right to know the fees they’re paying for their 401(k), because, over the course of a career, paying an extra percentage point can shrink [a retiree’s] nest egg by hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Although most survey respondents said they were aware of new rules requiring 401(k) providers to distribute documents that disclose all plan fees fully, nearly 40% did not recall receiving the new documents. Those who did get this information spent an average of only16 minutes reviewing it; and 83% of them had questions about what their company should do next. More than two in three (68%) were unprepared to answer employees’ questions about their plans.

We’d be happy to help you find the best, and most cost-effective, plan for your workers. Feel free to get in touch with us at any time.