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By Your Employee Matters

There’s been plenty of HR press about the use of social media in doing background checks on job applicants. Some attorneys have gone so far as to recommend that employers should ignore social media completely. I think that’s poor advice. If people are willing to do stupid things on their social media sites, they’ll be just as willing to do stupid things when working for you. According to a Career Builder/Harris Interactive survey, more than one in three employers rejected job candidates because of their social media activity. The four top reasons were that candidates: 1) Had posted inappropriate photos or information, 2) showed evidence of drinking or drug use, 3) demonstrated poor communication skills, or 4) badmouthed a previous employer.

Risk management is not about eliminating risk. As Walter Olson once stated, “There’s no such thing as the golden shore of legal compliance.” Ask yourself: Which is the greater risk — facing a potential discrimination claim because they showed one of the bad behaviors discussed above, or hiring them and allowing them to damage your company? You get the idea of where I think the real risk lies. The bottom line: Don’t hire a candidate until you learn everything you legally can about them.


By Your Employee Matters

According to a report from ADP, the companies that we help with HR That Works usually have fewer than 500 employees — a size category that produce 97% of the jobs added in the private sector during April 2012! Although most of these companies intend to maintain their current level of employment, 31% expect to add more workers, compared with only 13% that expect to reduce their head count.

Interestingly, according to a Simply Hired survey, 39% of college graduates would prefer to work for a small or medium-sized business (compared with 27% at a large corporation, 19% in the public sector, 11% for nonprofits, and 4% with a start -up). The respondents see job security as their No. 1 priority (33%) followed by salary (23%), benefits (23%), and company culture (18%).

The Catch-22 is that smaller companies often offer less job security, benefits, and salary. Looks like the greatest opportunity then is to focus on building a great culture!


By Your Employee Matters

Where’s your edge? This is the question Sounds True founder, Tami Simon, asks her New Age guests. Their answer is usually the most interesting part of the interview.

So I ask you the same question. What are you doing in HR at your company that excites you? What are you doing that’s cool, different, outrageous, experimental, and otherwise, really edgy?

If your answer is silence, you have a serious problem. What do you think will happen if your competition is focused on creating an “edge” and you’re not? Kind of like Southwest Airlines vs. American, United, etc.

Pushing for the edge helps keep us going here at HR That Works. Sure we focus on doing the HR blocking and tackling as well as we can — but we also want to make sure that our clients keep looking for their edge. For example, what if you distributed the Creativity Checklist and Employee Suggestion forms to your entire workforce? I’ll bet that you can discover a lot of edge lying dormant at your company. Trust me. Just do it. One good idea can more than repay your investment in HR That Works for years to come! It can also do wonders for your career.

Here’s what we’re doing to build our edge at HR That Works:

  • We recently produced the Job Security Program and book. You can find it in the Training Modules. There’s a lack of literature or programs on how to be a great employee. This program fills that void. I would encourage you to allow all your employees to spend the 90 minutes it takes to watch the program — and then task them to complete the exercises in the book.
  • We’ve released the Time Management Program, a project that was years in the making. We did the Webinar months ago, got great feedback from our Members, and have produced a program that I believe all your employees and executives should watch. In today’s “squeezed” economy, time is your most precious asset.
  • We’ve upgraded our website and are revamping our social media platforms to be managed by a new partner. We realized that although we knew what we wanted to do with social media, we just weren’t implementing it fast enough. So we brought on third-party experts to do the job for us. If your social media platform is in the same spot we were in, using a third party can help take you to the edge.
  • We’re providing cutting-edge Webinars. We’ll continue to push the edge with who we bring in to help educate you on growing your managers and company. HR is not, and should not, be viewed primarily as a way to avoid getting sued. We’re convinced that cultivating great employee relationships and a high level of trust helps minimize lawsuits. Last year we did 20 excellent webinars that you can now watch at any time. We’ll produce an equal number this year — giving us a library of more than 100 great stored webinars
  • We’ve upgraded site navigation. By now, you’ve been able to view the latest version of HR That Works. We’ve added the ability to attach documents to the audits, quizzes, and surveys. We’ll also be making it easier to upload your own documents to the SharePoint portal.

I could go on, but that’s plenty for now. I encourage you to keep asking yourself, “Where’s my edge?” To compete in today’s crazy business environment, you need to be creative, proactive, and ahead of the curve. Playing catch-up will guarantee the failure of your business — and your career.


By Life and Health

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to help provide financial security for your loved ones after you pass on, Term Life insurance might well be your best bet. Here’s how it works: You take out a policy on your life for a fixed “term” or number of years. The other major type of Life coverage, Permanent or Whole Life, remains in force as long as the policyholder lives.

The amount of coverage or death benefit depends on your personal situation (age, marital status, and number of dependents) and financial circumstances (income, short-term debt, home mortgage, etc.). You should choose an amount that will replace your lost income and pay down debt for your survivors.

Before writing a Term Life policy, the insurance company will probably require you to pass a medical examination. The test results will affect your policy premium — such factors as smoking, obesity, and hypertension lead to higher rates. As a rule of thumb, the younger you are, the lower your annual rate.

If you have a health condition that keeps you from buying regular Term Life, you might prefer to buy “guaranteed issue” or “quick issue” coverage, which does not require a physical. However, in this case, the insurance company will protect itself against the increased risk of covering you by charging a higher premium and perhaps setting a yearly fee.

Term Life premiums either go up every year or can be set at a fixed rate (“level premium”).

The professionals at our agency will be happy to provide a review of your situation and recommend Term Life coverage tailored to your needs.


By Life and Health

When choosing a Health insurance program, it’s all too easy to drown in an alphabet soup of acronyms — everything from ACOs (Accountable Care Organizations) to WHRN (Whole Health Resources Networks). However, the three most common types of managed health care plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Preferred Provider Plans (PPOs), and POS (Point of Service plans). Here’s an overview of how each type works, together with their advantages and disadvantages.

Health Maintenance Organizations. An HMO offers a “provider network” of health services professionals (physicians, nurses, therapists, etc.) and facilities (hospitals, clinics, medical offices, and so forth). A primary care physician (PCP) will act as a “gatekeeper” who will evaluate your health and recommend referrals to specialists, as needed.

As a rule, premiums and co-pays are relatively low, saving you money. On the downside, HMOs offer limited, if any, flexibility for services outside the plan. If your current physician isn’t in the HMO, you’ll have to pay for his or her services, or select another PCP who does participate in the plan. Also, if you use a provider outside the network, you’ll have to pay out of pocket.

Preferred Provider Organizations. Like HMOs, PPOs operate through a network of health care providers and institutions, and set relatively low co-payments for medical treatment. However, unlike HMOs, they’ll pick up the tab for many (although not all) medical services outside the network. What’s more, you can see specialists who participate in the network without going through your primary care physician.

Of course, you’ll pay a relatively high premium for enjoying this added flexibility. Also, if you get treatment outside the PPO, you’ll have to pick up a deductible or the difference between the charges of the plan provider and those of the out-of -network specialist.

Point of Service Plans. This option combines elements of HMOs and PPOs. A POS plan focuses on a primary care physician participating in the plan who monitors your health care at the “point of service” and recommend referrals either inside or outside the network. In the former case, the PPO will file a claim with your Health insurance company, which will pick up the tab for a high percentage of the charges; in the latter, you’ll have to do the paperwork yourself and your reimbursement will be far lower. If you see a specialist without going through your PCP, the insurer will pay even less.

As a rule of thumb, a POS offer more flexibility than an HMO and less than a PPO.

The Bottom Line. HMO, PPO, or POS — which will provide the best value for your health-care dollar? That depends on your needs and life situation. Our professionals stand ready to offer you their expert advice. Just give us a call.


By Life and Health

It’s a fact: Americans are living longer and healthier lives than ever. However, good health doesn’t eliminate the need for health care. Too expensive you say? There are many ways to save dollars on Health Care insurance. For example:

  • Take advantage of free educational programs offered by local hospitals, agencies, and educators. The more you know about health-related issues, the easier it is to make decisions.
  • Establish a solid relationship with your primary care physician. This should improve the quality of your care because the doctor will recognize your unique medical needs. Although going to an emergency clinic for routine care might seem easier, you’ll pay more for the convenience.
  • Select a higher deductible to reduce your policy premiums. Review the medical costs you’ve paid during the past couple of years, including insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays, and other expenses not covered by insurance. Many people choose a lower deductible without examining their medical history — assuming that because their insurance will pay at the time of a claim, they’ll save money. However, this doesn’t hold true in all cases. In fact, you might benefit by selecting a higher deductible and paying smaller claims out of pocket.
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices. Such basic decisions such as not smoking and exercising regularly will save you money, as well as making you healthier. Regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure.

The better your health, the less you’ll pay for Health insurance.


By Personal Perspective

You’ve spent hours, days or even weeks, making your jewelry choices — not to mention paying thousands of dollars on your final purchase — so why fall short when it comes to finding the right coverage for your jewels? Getting the appropriate protection is easy; you just need to understand what your Homeowners insurance will cover.

The standard HO-3 policy provides only $1,000 worth of coverage for a single item of jewelry and $1,500 for your entire collection. For example, if you lost your $6,500 engagement ring, a pair of $500 earrings ,and a $1,000 class ring, you would receive a reimbursement of only $1,000, not the actual value of $8,000. So be sure you’re protected by extra insurance. The cost is minimal compared to the risk of losing expensive jewelry and being unable to replace it.

You might consider a stand-alone policy that offers broader coverage than the typical Homeowners policy. For instance, it covers “mysterious disappearance” (when you lose jewelry and have no clue where it went); and “pairs and sets” (which buys you a new set of earrings even if you lost only one).

If you have highly valuable items of jewelry, you might also take out a “rider”(separate coverage) on them. Keep in mind that, to obtain additional coverage, your insurance company will require you to have a professional appraisal to set an objective value for your property, which might be significantly higher or lower than what you think it’s worth!

For more information on insuring your valued jewelry, please feel free to get in touch with our insurance professionals.


By Personal Perspective

Many people don’t think they have a lot of value in their personal property. Sure, there’s the big-screen TV, laptop or tablet computer, and maybe the home theater system, but the rest is just clothes, furniture, tools, dishes, and stuff. Most of it will probably end up in the garbage or at a garage sale.

However, what we as insurance agents learn is that after a loss (when policyholders compile a list of their damaged and destroyed property and what it would take to replace it) they often find the cost stunning. We don’t want you to discover that you were underinsured, especially when it’s too late.

The reasons for this miscalculation might come down to the fact that most of us acquire our personal items gradually, a little bit here and a little bit there. In contrast, the items we know to be valuable are usually those whose purchase hits us at one time — the big-ticket television or computer, for example. Add up all those “little” expenditures and the chances are that your possessions are worth a lot more than you think.

What to do? Sit down and run a “mock loss” drill with your family. First, write down what you estimate your personal property to be worth. Now imagine that everything you own has been destroyed — and you just happen to have a complete inventory and picture or video of every single item (this should be easy to do because you can walk through the house and see everything).

Once you have your “lost property” list, start adding up the values. If you’re not sure, check store ads, catalogues, and Web sites. Be sure to count all those spoons and shirts, every blouse and toy, and each knick-knack and tool. Some of them might be old. However, if you’re counting on your insurance to replace them, calculate the value at what each item would cost today, if you had to drive a truck to the mall and replace everything at once.

Once you have your total, compare it with your original estimate. Shocked? One Virginia couple estimated their property values to be approximately $100,000. After a total fire loss, they tallied their possessions. To quote the wife, “I stopped counting at $300,000.” Their insurance coverage provided only $109,500.

Call us with your total, and let’s make sure your current insurance covers the real value of your possession. Do it now, before you suffer a serious real loss!


By Personal Perspective

A consumer survey by a national insurance organization warmed our hearts — and warned us to keep our focus where it belongs: Meeting your insurance and protection needs.

In the study, 95% of respondents said they wanted insurance agents to offer expert counsel. Some 92% also said it was important that their agent handle all of their insurance needs. Three out of four believed that it was important for their agent to contact them regularly for a coverage review. More than nine in ten (92%) want all of this FROM an agent in their community, with a local office to visit for sales and service.

Wow! That’s quite a list. Our response? We have good news and great news. The good news is that we hear you, and we’re pleased to see how many consumers realize the importance of their insurance protection — and the agent who provides it — to their peace of mind and security.

What’s the great news? We totally agree with all of your preferences and we’re dedicated to delivering what you want, the way you want it. Why not let us prove it? If you’re a client, tell us how we’re doing. If there’s a shortfall in our goal to provide excellent service, let one of us know immediately and we’ll close that gap promptly.

If you’re not a client of our agency, ask your friends about us. Better yet, give us a call or come by to visit. We’ll be glad to help.


By Business Protection Bulletin

Insurance can be a risk-taker’s best friend. It lets you use your entrepreneur’s judgment to decide which business risks are worth taking and which aren’t — and when things go wrong, a professionally designed insurance program becomes your safety net. Although you can cover virtually any risk, it’s best to invest your premium dollars in those areas most likely to cause your business the most pain.

For example, if the business provides your family’s sole or main source of income, invest some premium dollars on a Life policy that will provide this income if events take you out of the picture.

If your business depends on computer technology, you’ll want to explore the insurance implications in case of:

  • Viruses
  • Business income losses due to extended downtime
  • Electronic forgeries and theft
  • Liability from alleged breaches of customer privacy. Although a standard policy might provide some basic coverage, you’ll probably need supplemental protection.

Although your building might have coverage in the amount required by the mortgagee or even what you paid, what would it really cost to rebuild it from the ground up? Bear in mind that:

  • Special design issues might raise these costs.
  • Building ordinances (such as those requiring sprinkler systems or wind-resistant materials) would significantly increase the expense of rebuilding.
  • “Grandfathering” the building under your community’s current building restrictions might even prevent you from rebuilding at your present location.

Would the amount of Liability coverage required by your landlord or included automatically with your Business insurance “package” be enough to protect you, considering that you can hardly open a newspaper without reading about a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a business? For these and other reasons, there’s no substitute for sitting down with us to review the key risks that your business faces and possible solutions to these exposures.