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By Personal Perspective

Many think of fraud as a non-violent crime. In reality, vehicle insurance scams, including staged traffic accidents, are far from non-violent. Aside from costing honest consumers hundreds to thousands of dollars in added insurance premiums, this steadily growing form of fraud has resulted in countless injuries and deaths to innocent victims of the scams. In fact, data from the NICB (National Insurance Crime Bureau) shows that staged traffic accidents have rapidly become a leading source of insurance fraud nationwide.

How Does It Work? These criminally staged collisions frequently involve several suspects driving a car. The victim is the driver of another vehicle that’s being targeted by the suspects staging the collision for their own financial gain.

The suspects will most often use one of two techniques:

  1. Swoop and Squat. Two or more suspects drive two different vehicles. They target an unsuspecting vehicle, most often an older model that only contains one victim. This is done so that there will not be any witnesses to the collision. The one or two suspects in the squat vehicle position their car in front of the vehicle driven by the victim. They slow to create a smaller space gap between themselves and their victim. Then, the swoop vehicle suddenly changes lanes to cut in front of the squat, thereby causing the squat vehicle to throw on breaks and stop. As a result, the innocent victim rear-ends the squat. Meanwhile, the swoop vehicle is long gone and the squat vehicle is claiming that an unknown vehicle cut them off and forced them to brake.
  2. The Drive Down or Wave On. In this version, the suspect(s) are stopped at the entrance to a parking lot or an intersection. They wave on or yield the right-of-way to the victim. When the victim proceeds, the suspect intentionally accelerates to collide with the victim.

What Can Drivers Do to Reduce the Risk of Being a Victim?

  • Stay aware of your surroundings, paying close attention to what the vehicles several in front, behind, and beside you are doing and maintaining sufficient room between you and all other vehicles.
  • Use caution when making a turn in front of another vehicle, even if they yield the right-of-way.
  • Since suspects tend to look for innocent drivers that accidentally cross the center line and then sideswipe them, pay close attention to staying within the lines of a lane.
  • After any accident, count the number of passengers and get their personal information. You might find that more people are listed on the insurance claim than were actually in the accident.
  • Avoid driving when you’re stressed; preoccupied with a cell phone, map, or food; or lethargic. All of these lessen the care with which you drive and your concentration abilities, thereby increasing your vulnerability.
  • Have a camera in your vehicle to take photos of the scene, license plates, and the occupants of the vehicle with which you have an accident.
  • Always call the police and get a copy of the police report. If the damage to the other car is minor, then ask the officer to specify this on the report, as this will make it more difficult for the other party to create more damage for a larger claim.
  • Alert the authorities if you feel the accident was staged.

In closing, these staged traffic accidents often have criminal elements that reach far beyond just the suspected drivers. It’s often a criminal collaboration among unscrupulous doctors and attorneys who willingly and knowingly assist in the fraudulent insurance claim process.


By Business Protection Bulletin

Most employers know that they can be held legally liable for sexual harassment occurring in their workplace. However, many may not know that there’s a way to considerably reduce their exposure to liability. The courts have actually laid out a road map of sorts when it comes to reducing employer risk for sexual harassment liability. In 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court made it quite clear that laws related to sexual harassment weren’t made in an effort to enable employer vs. employee lawsuits, but rather as a motivation for employers to take reasonable and responsible action in preventing sexual harassment. Employers that have demonstrated this reasonable and responsible action are less likely to be held legally liable for damages. Here are the practices and policies every employer should abide to fulfill their obligation in preventing workplace sexual harassment, thereby reducing their liability risk:

  • A comprehensively written policy against sexual harassment should be in place to demonstrate the concern, stance, and dedication to the prevention of sexual harassment on the part of the employer. This policy should clearly define sexual harassment and give examples of what constitutes sexual harassment. After the policy is read, the employee should know that either gender may be victim; either gender may perpetrator; and that sexual harassment is dictated by victim perception, not whether or not the perpetrator intended the behavior as harassing.
  • Legal terminology and otherwise obtuse language should be avoided when composing a sexual harassment policy. It should be written in a manner that an average employee would comprehend. In most cases, if the wording is such that a high school senior would have difficulty comprehending it, then it’s too complex. Employers should also be mindful of non-English speaking employees and publish translations accordingly.
  • Make sure that the sexual harassment policy identifies which employees or department should be contacted to initiate the complaint process; outlines the complaint and investigation process from start to finish, including any appeal process; and identifies what the penalties are for sexual harassment. Retaliation should also be addressed. It should be clear that retaliation against a complainant will not be tolerated and that retaliation is a form of harassment too.
  • More often than not, an employer isn’t held liable because of the actual harassment, but rather because they failed to have or apprise their employees of the complaint procedure or failed to respond when the complaint procedure was utilized. So, never write a complaint off or disregard it. Each and every complaint should be viewed as a serious matter and investigated with a process that’s consistent and that’s reasonable for all involved.
  • Although many employers feel that their policy is adequate, the best policy in the world is useless if an employee can claim that they’ve never laid eyes on it. Therefore, orientation of new employees should include a signature that the new employee has received, read, and understood the sexual harassment policy.
  • Of course, there must be ongoing exposure to the policy for employees to realize that their employer is actually serious about sexual harassment and the enforcement of consequences. Sources of exposure may include periodic sexual harassment summaries through brochures or educational pamphlets, newsletter articles, in-service training, and employee meetings.
  • It’s also crucial that any employee in a supervisory position be trained not only to enforce the sexual harassment policy, but as someone that could be a harasser themselves. Often, especially in medium to larger businesses, the employer will not be the one to first receive a complaint. Yet, employers are strictly liable if supervisors engage in subordinate harassment or fail to enforce the harassment policy. Keep in mind that many people engage in behaviors that are overlooked by individuals they come across in their personal life and thereby feel that the same behaviors will be overlooked at work too.

The most often used excuse when an employee is accused of sexual harassment is that they weren’t the only employee that has acted in such a way. Sadly, although the above statement in no way excuses the behavior, it’s often true. And, it’s this type of environment that tolerates or overlooks sexual harassment that substantially increases the liability risk of the employer. Simply having a policy will not hold weight in court. It must be comprehensive and there must be employee exposure and employer enforcement. These steps require a time and resource commitment for the policy to be applied in a manner that will reduce sexual harassment liability risks for employers and reduce the frequency of sexual harassment incidences for employees.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

There will always be a risk that something will go awry during construction projects. When something does go wrong, the result is usually costly time delays and mild to devastating additional material, labor, and damage costs. As far as risk goes, most construction business owners view insurance as their first line of defense. Not that insurance isn’t an appropriate risk prevention tool, but it’s not always economically feasible or efficient to try and cover each and every possible risk with insurance. There are actually many risks that can be dealt with thorough the concepts of risk transfer, risk sharing, risk retention, risk control, risk prevention, and risk avoidance. Let’s look at some key points about each:

  1. Transfer of Risk. There are parties, aside from your own insurance, to which you might transfer the risk. The two most common risk transfers are through being named as an insured person on an alternative insurance contract, and through express indemnification clauses. When you’re named on another party’s insurance, their coverage extends to you. If you’re a general contractor, for example, then you might require the electrical contractor to name you on their liability policy. As long as the other party’s insurance covers the loss, your portion of any loss would be paid by the other party’s insurance policy.

    The second common method of transferring risk is through an express indemnification clause in a contract. This is also referred to as a hold harmless clause. There are three varying degrees of risk transfer. The type one indemnity clause, also called a broad form, states that the indemnitor (party that will be responsible for the loss) will hold the indemnitee (party that will be protected) harmless regardless of whether the loss was caused by the indemnitee. A type three clause, also called comparative fault, holds the indemnitor responsible for only the loss that they caused. The most common type of indemnification clause is the type two, also called the intermediate form. The indemnitor assumes all the risk unless the sole cause of the loss is fully attributable to the indemnitee. An example of a type two clause would be a general contractor agreeing to hold an owner harmless (regardless of whether the loss was partly caused by the owner) if the loss was caused in part or entirely by the contractor.

  2. Risk Sharing. There are often opportunities to share the risk with the other parties involved with the construction project. The contract should have a clause that stipulates each of the involved parties would be liable for those losses caused by his/her actions or inaction.
  3. Risk Retention. Whether they want to or not, all construction businesses are going to retain some of the more minor risks. It’s simply not monetarily feasible to cover every single risk with insurance. These minor retained risks, such as errors that cause a couple of days of redoing work, are funded from the operating budget. Insurance deductibles are another way that risk is retained. Just be sure that whatever risk is retained has a value and can be funded should a loss actually occur.
  4. Risk Avoidance. Although risks are often tempting, such as a supplier offering a cheaper material, most risks are best avoided. If you suspect that the cheaper material could be defective, then it simply makes better sense for you to put the longevity and reputation of your business first and avoid the risk.
  5. Risk Prevention. Risk prevention is a very broad topic with many elements, but the premise of the concept is taking action to avoid negative events from occurring in the first place. It’s usually very simple carelessness that causes accidents. So, risk prevention may include simple things like keeping passages free of debris and idle tools secure. Risk prevention should be an ongoing training program for employees, supervisors, and managers.
  6. Risk Control. Like risk prevention, risk control is a very broad topic with many elements, but the premise of the concept is reducing the amount of loss incurred during a negative event. A good example would be posting emergency response phone numbers so that immediate help can be called during an accident. Risk control should also be an ongoing training program for employees, supervisors, and managers.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

When a contractor works on several parts of a structure, and a mistake they make on one part causes damage to other parts they worked on, does their Liability insurance cover all of the damage, some of it, or none of it? This is the question a Texas court answered in a 2009 decision interpreting the Commercial General Liability policy’s “that particular part” clause. This phrase has been the subject of many court cases because, to some extent, its meaning is in the eye of the beholder.

In the Texas case, the contractor worked on a condominium project. They performed the water-sealing on exterior finishes and retaining walls improperly, permitting large quantities of water to enter the structure through multiple points, including ceilings and walls and under doors. The water damaged other areas of the project on which the contractor had worked, including stud framing and interior drywall. The contractor notified their insurance company, but the company denied the claim because of two policy provisions that exclude coverage.

First, the policy said that the insurance did not apply to “property damage to … that particular part of real property on which (the insured contractor) or any contractors or subcontractors working directly or indirectly on the (insured contractor’s) behalf are performing operations, if the property damage arises out of those operations.” A second exclusion stated that the insurance did not apply to “property damage to … that particular part of any property that must be restored, repaired or replaced because (the contractor’s) work was incorrectly performed on it.” The insurance company’s intention was to not insure a contractor’s own shoddy workmanship. The contractor sued the company for breach of contract.

The court found that the first exclusion did not apply to this loss because the contractor was not working actively on the project at the time. The contractor had finished the exterior work, and the owner had suspended interior work on most of the condominium units while their sales were pending. The court noted that the exclusion eliminates coverage for damage to property on which the contractor is performing operations. Since the contractor was not performing operations at the time of the water damage, the exclusion did not apply.

The court also found that the second exclusion applied only to the contractor’s exterior work and not to the parts of the interior that suffered damage. It arrived at this conclusion by breaking the exclusion into its components: No coverage for damage to: 1) Property; 2) that must be restored, repaired or replaced; 3) because the contractors performed work on it incorrectly. According to the court, this wording differentiates between property on which the contractor performed work incorrectly, and other property on which the contractor did not perform work incorrectly. Since the owner did not claim that the contractor performed faulty work on the interior components, the court said that the exclusion did not apply to damage to those areas. According to the opinion, the exclusion “ … bars coverage only for property damage to parts of a property that were themselves the subjects of defective work, and not for damage to part of a property that were the subjects of only non-defective work by the insured … ”

Courts have interpreted these exclusions in various ways, depending on the circumstances of the individual cases. Contractors should be aware that, when they have liability for property damage, their insurance coverage might not be clear-cut. Our insurance agents can give you an idea of how companies providing coverage have handled similar claims in the past.


By Construction Insurance Bulletin

Of events with negative financial and commercial impacts, natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes are at the top of the list. In 1907, a massive earthquake in San Francisco touched off a financial panic that nearly turned into a full-scale depression. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 cost an astounding $125 billion dollars in damages. The hurricane shut down nine oil refineries and another 30 oil drilling platforms.

Obviously, natural disasters can wreak havoc on all industries, not just oil and fishing. Small and large businesses are equally afraid of the effects a natural disaster will have on their balance sheets. The inability to recover quickly from a disaster can mean certain death for some business. This is why having a disaster recovery plan is so important. The proper plan can help business owners get their operations back on track without permanent losses.

Needs Assessment. To formulate a disaster recovery plan, the business needs to first assess their needs. One of our qualified insurance agents can go over the books together with the business owner and state clearly what requires coverage, such as loss of income, continuing operating expenses, or miscellaneous expenses after disaster strikes.

Document Organization. Organization is one of the most critical components to surviving a disaster intact. The right documents all gathered together and secured properly will save hundreds of hours later. Depending on the nature of the business and/or what industry it operates in, off-site backup of critical files might be called for. Commonly, insurance companies will insure the basic constituents of a business, such as business income. Business Interruption insurance will replace lost income as a result of the business being closed for whatever reason as the result of a disaster. This is why having documents organized properly is so important. The claims adjuster would need precise, detailed records of income and expenses in order to determine properly what the profits would have been had the business not closed due to disaster.

Although it is next to impossible to determine what the document list should be for all businesses, here are some general documents for which you should keep backups:

  • Insurance policy contracts
  • Information on all of the bank accounts associated with the business
  • Leases
  • Income tax return forms for the past three years
  • Sales records
  • Inventory lists

It is also wise to make a list of all of the important people the business would have to contact in the event of disaster. This list includes bankers, landlords, accountants, creditors, employees, customers, etc.

Evacuation Plans. Preparing an evacuation plan will aid the business executives and employees by telling them exactly how to proceed during an emergency. When forming the evacuation plan, the business must make sure that all employees have designated assigned roles that they will follow; this will help organize their efforts and keep things under control.

When the Worst Happens. After a disaster occurs, it is important to document the damage extensively. The business must inform their insurance company immediately that a disaster has occurred and that they have incurred damages and/or losses as a result. The business owners are responsible for the safety and well-being of all of their employees before, during, and after the disaster. If the building where the business has been located has been damaged, get the building inspected.

The business owners must survey the damage carefully. Photograph and videotape all damaged areas everywhere, whether inside or outside the building. If necessary, they can make initial repairs to prevent even greater damage, such as boarding up windows and holes in the ceilings and walls. Once the adjuster and local authorities approve the claims application, than repair work can begin.


By Workplace Safety

The weather outside is frightful, whether it’s January in Buffalo or July in Phoenix. Extreme weather conditions can be a major problem for construction workers, most of whom have to perform their tasks outdoors. During the summer, high temperatures and humidity can cause dehydration, heat stroke, cramping, exhaustion, and rashes. The need for workers to wear protective clothing, such as long denim pants and heavy boots, exacerbates the heat’s effects. Those parts of the body not covered up become vulnerable to sunburns and skin cancers resulting from exposure to the sun’s rays. Summer lightning storms can cause fatal injuries to workers. During the winter, low temperatures and high winds can combine to make conditions bitterly cold. This can lead to hypothermia and frostbite, in addition to a greater potential for slip and fall accidents due to the presence of ice and snow.

For these reasons, all contractors should make protection against extreme weather conditions part of their regular safety procedures. Some regulations from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration require this. For example, one regulation requires employers to provide personal protective equipment and special training to workers if they will work under conditions so severe that they qualify as environmental hazards. Among the required protective equipment is clothing to cover an employee’s eyes, head, face, arms and legs. Another regulation requires employers to provide equipment protecting employees from over-exposure to the sun.

Some steps contractors can take to prevent illness or injury resulting from weather conditions are:

  • Learning the signs that indicate the weather is making a worker ill
  • Monitoring workers for signs of illness
  • Training workers on how to protect themselves from the elements
  • Setting an expectation that workers will dress appropriately for weather conditions
  • Providing shade during hot weather and heated areas during cold weather in which workers can take breaks
  • Scheduling work for cooler periods in the summer and warmer periods in the winter

Workers should dress in layers during the coldest weather and should, to the extent practical for the work, keep exposed skin covered with gloves, hats, and scarves to protect against frostbite. During hot, sunny weather, employees should wear wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts made of light material, and ultraviolet-resistant sunglasses. They should also apply sun block at regular intervals during the day.

In addition to higher Workers Compensation costs, employee injuries and illness rob a contractor of the productive services of good workers, divert management’s attention from the core business, and make the employer less attractive to good, skilled workers. Although contractors cannot completely protect their workers from the effects of extreme weather conditions, with some simple steps and training they can make losses from these conditions less likely and less severe.


By Workplace Safety

After several hours of sitting at your work desk, it’s finally time for your break. The moment you stand up for your break, you realize that your legs are numb, stiff, or just won’t work. This is a common scenario experienced everyday by a variety of desk workers. Not that being devoted or working hard is a negative thing, but it can be detrimental to the body if smart work habits aren’t employed.

When workers become immersed in their work, it’s often hours before they even realize that they haven’t moved their lower extremities. This type of prolonged motionless work might seem like something that would increase productivity, but it can lead to an array of health problems, such as obesity and stress. The resulting problems actually make for a less productive employee.

Obviously, the first smart work habit is to get up and stretch the lower extremities and get blood flowing again. Ideally, workers should get up from their desk every hour for just a few minutes. This can be accomplished simply by walking to the water cooler, bathroom, copier, or such.

The computer is a key source of bad work ergonomics and negative impacts on the health of workers. Experts suggest that computer monitors be positioned directly in front of and arms-length away from workers. To minimize any eye strain from glares on a computer monitor, it should be tilted slightly downward. The worker can help minimize eye strain by blinking frequently to keep the eyes moist. It might be necessary to focus from a different angle, such as by slightly tilting the head upward.

Likewise, the computer keyboard should be placed directly in front of workers. It should be positioned at a comfortable distance. Try the computer at a sloped and flat position to see what feels more comfortable. It might also be helpful to rest and relax the palms when not typing.

Now that the computer and keyboard are positioned properly, workers should make sure that their own body is in good alignment. Make sure that the feet are flat on the floor and the back is supported. A lumbar support may be helpful to support the back. Stores that sell ergonomic office supplies will have work equipment, such as a chair with the lumbar support or a lumbar support insert, that’s been designed scientifically for comfort and ease of use.

Workers who take care of their body at work will feel better at work and at home. Even with the tiny amount of time lost to stretching and ensuring proper body mechanics and equipment positioning, this worker will also ultimately be more productive.


By Workplace Safety

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the second highest cause of death in the construction field is the worker being struck by an object. Most workers in the construction field are very aware of the struck-by hazards they face when doing roadwork. However, many construction workers might be surprised to know that statistics show most struck-by accidents occur on the construction site. Heavy equipment is involved in around 75% of struck-by fatal injuries. Equipment operators that don’t follow proper safety protocols not only put themselves at risk, they put workers on the ground at risk of being struck by swinging equipment, crushed under overturned vehicles, or getting pinned by equipment.

Struck-by injuries statistics prompted OSHA to establish the following procedures for equipment operators to follow in order to avoid creating hazards:

  1. All vehicles should be checked each shift to ensure that all accessories and parts are in a safe operating order.
  2. Unless a vehicle has a reverse alarm or the driver has a worker to signal them, vehicles with an obstructed rear view should never be driven in reverse.
  3. OSHA standard seat belts should be worn unless the equipment is stand-only or doesn’t have a rollover protective structure.
  4. Operators of lifting and dumping devices should ensure that they and all other workers are clear of the area before lifting or dumping.
  5. Vehicles and equipment should only be operated on maintained and safely constructed grades and roadways.
  6. Parked vehicles and equipment should have the parking brake set. If parked on an incline, the wheels should also be chocked.
  7. If not in use, bulldozer and scraper blades, dump bodies, end-loader buckets, and other overhead equipment should be lowered or blocked, with the controls in a neutral position.
  8. All vehicles should have adequate safety devices, such as braking.
  9. There should be a cab shield/canopy on any vehicle loaded by a power shovel, loader, crane, and such.
  10. The load and lift capacity of a vehicle should never be exceeded.
  11. Any construction taking place near a public roadway should have traffic signs, flagging system, and barricades.
  12. Workers must wear warning clothing, such as orange or red vests, to ensure they’re clearly visible. Warning clothing must be reflective if working at night.

Workers must also be mindful of overhead falling objects. This is a particular concern when working beneath scaffolding, cranes, or any area that overhead work is being done. There’s also the danger of objects that potentially could be propelled through the air and strike a worker, such as a power tool or an activity involving something being pried, pulled, or pushed. The following list of OSHA guidelines can protect workers from falling and flying hazards:

  1. The first line of head protection is having a hardhat on.
  2. Workers in areas where tools or machines could produce flying particles should wear shields, safety goggles, or safety glasses.
  3. Materials should be stacked so that they don’t collapse, slide, or fall.
  4. Scaffolding areas should feature toe boards, guardrails, screens, debris nets, canopies, or platforms to prevent or catch falling objects. Tools and materials should also be secured to prevent them from falling.
  5. Hazard areas should have warning signs and be barricaded.
  6. Protective guards on tools, such as lathes and saws, should be inspected for good working condition before use.
  7. Never use a power-actuated tool unless trained to do so.
  8. Try not to work in areas where underneath loads are being moved.
  9. The lift capacity of hoists and cranes shouldn’t be exceeded.
  10. All components of a hoist and crane, such as wire, hooks, and chains, should be inspected for good working condition before use.


By Employment Resources

Once annual enrollment has come and gone, it’s a good time to brush up on some basic benefit plan requirements, to avoid some of the common mistakes made in employee benefit plan administration. The following list of potential errors is by no means exhaustive, but represents a sampling of issues to steer clear of:

  • Keep your plan documents up to date and reference them in related plan communications. ERISA requires that all employee benefit plans be maintained pursuant to a written plan document. As the governing document for the plan, it should be reviewed regularly, and amended if necessary, to keep up with new laws and regulations (such as health care reform). Since this will be the most detailed document regarding any given plan, it should be referenced in disclaimer materials included in less formal plan communications (such as annual enrollment materials) as the document that will control in the event of discrepancies, or errors or omissions in these other ancillary communications.
  • Keep summary plan descriptions (SPDs) up to date and distribute them to employees. ERISA requires that employees receive an SPD covering each benefit plan, and specifies the information that must be included in the SPD. Plan vendors might supply booklets or other communications materials to distribute to employees that describe the plan, but these are unlikely to meet the requirements for an SPD. When plan changes result in an SPD needing modification, an employer might distribute a summary of material modifications in the interim before preparing an updated SPD.
  • Include only eligible employees (and dependents) in your plans, as to do otherwise will run contrary to plan documents and represent unnecessary coverage costs for your company. Improperly covering ineligible individuals — contractors, leased employees, former employees, etc. — can be a costly proposition. Similarly, maintaining formerly eligible dependents who, for example, have aged out of the plan, unnecessarily adds to plan costs. Eligibility audits can help to mitigate this problem.
  • Follow plan terms in administrative practices. The plan document governs, and both internal staff and outside administrators must follow the terms of the plan when making eligibility and claims decisions, issuing plan notices, handling appeals, etc.
  • Make sure plan contributions are calculated properly. This includes taking into account the definition of compensation that is in the plan (which might include bonuses, commissions, etc.) and calculating matching and profit sharing contributions correctly.
  • If you allow employees to pay for any benefits on a pretax basis, a cafeteria plan is required. Although the term “cafeteria plan” might conjure images of employees selecting from a menu of benefit choices, a cafeteria plan is, at its most basic level, a premium only plan, and is required to be adopted before employees can pay their health (or dental, vision, etc.) plan premiums with before-tax dollars, or to make before-tax contributions to a health care or dependent care flexible spending account.
  • If employees make salary deferrals to a 401(k) plan, these deferrals must be deposited into the plan trust on a timely basis, as by DOL regulation they become plan assets as soon as they can be reasonably segregated from the employer’s general assets.
  • Review your COBRA administrative practices to make sure all individuals qualified to elect COBRA coverage receive the proper notices, for all plans subject to COBRA (the health plan, but also the dental and vision plan, and the health care flexible spending account).

Administrative errors can result in fines and penalties, lawsuits, and employee discontent. An annual plan self-review can avoid these potential costly consequences of common mistakes.


By Employment Resources

You have a great group of employees working with you and your business is thriving. You know much of that success is due to one or two key individuals with both skills and personalities that would be difficult to replace. Imagine they were injured and out of work for a while, or even worse, suppose they died unexpectedly? Would your business survive? There are five separate groups that will be most concerned about the immediate financial health and future of the business in the event of the death or disability of an owner or key employee:

  • Employees will be concerned about the continuation of the business and their job security.
  • Creditors will be worried about the effect of the key employee’s death on the earning power of the business and its future ability to pay back any outstanding debts.
  • Suppliers will wonder about the potential loss of a customer.
  • Customers will be concerned about the ability of the business to continue providing its products and services, and will consider looking elsewhere to satisfy their needs.
  • Tax collectors will be concerned, but only to the extent that there are sufficient funds to pay the necessary taxes, even if it means the ultimate sacrifice of the business.

Key Employee Life and Disability insurance policies can help soften the impact of all of these.

Key Employee Life Insurance. Generally, your business purchases a Life insurance policy on a key employee, pays the premiums and is the beneficiary in the event of the employee’s death. As the owner of the policy, the business may surrender it, borrow against it and use either the cash value or death benefits as the business sees fit.

However, coming up with a dollar value on a key employee’s economic worth can be challenging. There are no specific rules or formulas to follow, but there are several guidelines that can help. The appropriate level of coverage might be the cost of recruiting and training an adequate replacement. On the other hand, the insurance amount might be the key employee’s annual salary times the number of years a newly hired replacement might take to reach a similar skill level. Finally, you might consider the key employee’s value in terms of company profits. The level of insurance coverage might then be tied to any anticipated profit or loss.

Premiums for key employee Life insurance are not a tax-deductible business expense for federal income tax purposes, since your business is the recipient of the benefits. For the most part, the death benefits your company receives as the beneficiary of the policy are not considered taxable income. However, if your business is a C corporation, the death benefits may increase the corporation’s liability for the alternative minimum tax. Consult a tax professional for information on your specific circumstances.

Key Employee Disability Insurance. The death of a key employee isn’t the only threat to your business. What if a key employee is injured or becomes ill and is out of work for an extended period of time? Disability insurance on such a key employee is another way you can protect your business against any resultant financial loss.

A crucial part of key employee Disability insurance policies is the definition of disability. Typically, these policies define disability as the inability of the employee to perform his or her normal job duties due to injury or illness. As with Life insurance, your business buys a Disability insurance policy on the employee, pays the premiums, and is named as the beneficiary. If the employee becomes disabled, the insurance coverage pays monthly disability benefits to your business. These benefits can equal a certain percentage of the key employee’s monthly salary, up to either a maximum monthly limit or 100% of their salary. The benefits may be used to pay the operating expenses of the business and to cover the expense of finding a temporary or permanent replacement for the key employee.

Disability policies typically offer elimination periods (i.e. the waiting period between the disability and when the benefits begin) ranging from 30 days to 365 days. Depending on the policy, your business may receive benefits for six to 18 months, which would be long enough to allow the key employee to return to work or for the company to replace the key employee.

Depending on the type of coverage purchased, the premiums you pay for the key employee Disability policy may or may not be a tax-deductible business expense. If the policy is considered business overhead expense insurance, then the premiums are a deductible expense. Although the business would be responsible for paying taxes on any disability benefits received, the business expenses the policy pays for indirectly would result in an offsetting deduction.

Planning ahead can help secure your company’s financial future by preventing a business from having to liquidate to raise cash. Key employee insurance can help assure families, employees, creditors, suppliers and customers that the future of the business is secure. By purchasing Life and Disability insurance on the owner(s) and/or key employees, the business is letting everyone know the financial condition of the business will remain sound despite the loss of a key person.