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By Your Employee Matters

A California case, Combs v. SkyRiver Communications, denied a director of network operations his overtime claim. Under both California and Federal law, a person is employed in an administrative capacity when their primary duties are: 1) The performance of office or non-manual work directly related to the management policies with general business operations of the company’s customers; 2) where they customarily and regularly exercise discretionary or independent judgment with respect to matters of significance; and 3) where they perform under only general supervision and do work along specialized or technical lines that require special training, experience, or knowledge.

The phrase “directly related to management policies or general business operations” is interpreted to require that an employee perform work directly related to assisting with the running or servicing of the business, as distinguished from work on a manufacturing product line or selling a product in a retail or service establishment. In a sense, the employee is working “on” the business as opposed to “in” the business. 29 CFR Section 541.201 states that the phrase “directly related to the management or general business operations”:

“Includes, but is not limited to, work in functional areas such as tax; finance; accounting; budgeting; auditing; insurance; quality control; purchasing; procurement; advertising; marketing; research; safety and health; personnel management; human resources; employee benefits; labor relations; public relations; government relations; computer network, internet and database administration; legal and regulatory compliance; and similar activities.”

Interpretive guidance regarding the phrase “exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance” has been interpreted to mean:

“In general, the exercise of discretion and independent judgment involves the comparison and the evaluation of possible courses of conduct, and acting or making a decision after the various possibilities have been considered. The term ‘matters of significance’ refers to the level of importance or consequence of the work performed.”

“The phrase ‘discretion and independent judgment’ must be applied in the light of all the facts involved in the particular employment situation in which the question arises. Factors to consider when determining whether an employee exercises discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance include, but are not limited to: whether the employee has authority to formulate, affect, interpret, or implement management policies or operating practices; whether the employee carries out major assignments in conducting the operations of the business; whether the employee performs work that affects the business operations to a substantial degree, even if the employee’s assignments are related to operation of a particular segment of the business; whether the employee has authority to commit the employer in matters that have significant financial impact; whether the employee has authority to waive or deviate from established policies and procedures without prior approval; whether the employee has authority to negotiate and bind the company on significant matters; whether the employee provides consultation or expert advice to management; whether the employee is involved in planning long- or short-term business objectives; whether the employee investigates and resolves matters of significance on behalf of management; and whether the employee represents the company in handling complaints, arbitrating disputes or resolving grievances.”

Note that in California the term “primarily engaged in duties” means “more than one-half the employee’s work time.” The Federal standard uses more of a qualitative than a quantitative approach. Read the case here.


By Your Employee Matters

According to Bureau of Justice statistics, an estimated 1.7 million workers are injured each year in workplace assaults (that’s an average of 33,000 per week). During the 13-year period from 1992 to 2005, there was an average of 807 workplace homicides a year (15 per week).

Workplace violence arises from a variety of circumstances.

Some involve criminals robbing taxicab drivers, convenience stores, or other retail operations; clients or patients attacking providers in healthcare or social services offices; disgruntled workers seeking revenge; or domestic abuse that spills over into the workplace. More recently, the threat of terrorism has loomed over the nation’s workplaces. Yet, as pointed out by the Nation Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), most employers and most employees aren’t aware of the significant threat that on-the-job violence poses.

NIOSH notes a number of barriers to preventing workplace violence: A corporate attitude of denial, a culture of violence, a sense of powerlessness in the workplace, inadequate incentives or disincentives, lack of awareness, poor information, weak communication or training, inadequate resources, failure to report incidents of violence, ineffective follow up, lack of a written policy, lack of teamwork, and more.

Strategies to help prevent workplace violence include:

  • Management and worker commitment
  • A change in cultural attitudes
  • A multi-disciplinary team approach
  • A written policy or program
  • An effective training program
  • An evaluation of the program

NIOSH also discusses environmental, behavioral, and administrative interventions. Learn more about workplace violence and how to prevent it here.


By Your Employee Matters

Sometimes we make things so complicated. Performance management is one example. In the old days, we gave people a job description, told them what to do, and graded them annually on a scale from one to five in a number of categories, depending on how well they “performed.” This approach was based on the notion that you can control an employee’s performance — and it doesn’t work anymore! In fact, more than 30 years ago, Dr. Edwards Deming stated, “Performance evaluations are more destructive than beneficial of performance.” So what does work? Here’s a common sense approach to consider. If you think I’ve missed anything, please let me know:

  1. Make sure the employee’s skill sets and personality match the task at hand. In the hiring process, we have to use skill tests and character assessments to understand the strengths and weaknesses of any candidate. This avoids jamming round pegs into square holes. Assuming that we’ve created the right “fit,” the process continues from there as the employee develops. Periodic skill testing and character assessments continue to make sense. We can match our training programs to help improve perceived weaknesses or to enhance strengths.
  2. Know the plan and have a plan. Peter Drucker stated that management tends to recycle ignorance. The starting point is for management to communicate with specificity the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of the company and the department. Employees have to know the big picture in order to perform at their best. Unfortunately, this communication generally comes once a year in a speech to the workforce and lacks any precision. As discussed in the HR That Works Training Module on Performance Management, annual goal setting makes no sense in today’s environment. Instead, set goals in writing, make them 30-90 days out, and revisit them for 15 minutes each week.
  3. Make sure employees can answer these questions:

    a. What are the three most important things you do every day?

    b. How would you know you were doing them well without having to ask or without being told?

Until employees can answer those questions with precision, any performance management evaluation is meaningless.

  1. When employees don’t perform, first check the system. Most employee failures are system failures. Nine out of 10 people want to do a good job every day. If an employee isn’t performing, first check to see how management could be causing the problem. Do people lack the necessary skill sets? Are they clear about their job duties? Is your management style demotivating them? Is everyone on the team cooperating?
  2. If it’s not the fault of the system, have the employee own the problem. Under the traditional theory of discipline, management gives an oral warning, followed by a written warning, perhaps leave without pay, and then termination. Throughout the process, management owns the problem. If it’s not management’s fault, then the employee should be made to take responsibility. But nobody has a form to do that. If you’re an HR That Works user, consider the Employee Correction form, which places the responsibility squarely on the employee’s shoulders. It makes people acknowledge their deficiencies in writing, what they intend to do about them, and what the consequences should be if they don’t meet their own expectations. We find that when responsibility is placed properly, employees intend to be rougher on themselves than management would be.
  3. Consider a performance improvement plan. Finally, once everybody acknowledges their responsibilities, have a plan for moving forward. Depending on the concern, make it from 30 to 90 days in length, but check in with the employee at least every few weeks. If, after that time, they still can’t or don’t want to “get it” then it’s time to liberate them!

Performance management isn’t rocket science. When people are doing things they can do well and enjoy doing well, they don’t need to be motivated. They’ll want to perform. It’s management’s job to place employees in a position where they are capable of, and responsible for, their success.


By Risk Management Bulletin

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is carrying out Swept Up in Safety Weeks, a series of unannounced workplace inspections that focus on what it calls the four leading causes of accidents: falls, struck by/crushing events, electrocutions, and caught-in-between events. An OSHA “intervention” can be frightening for any business. The agency can fine you or shut you down — and its findings could lead to private lawsuits or referrals to other agencies. Even if you get a clean bill of health, the inspection will distract management and create legal and consulting expenses.

What can you expect if OSHA drops by? Here’s the five-step procedure, together with some ideas to blunt unwarranted charges and minimize the penalties of any violations:

  1. Presentation of Credentials. When an inspector arrives, they’ll first present identification and seek to gain entrance. Check the ID and ask for a business card. You have the right to demand that the inspector obtain a warrant to enter, but many experts recommend against this; it’s equivalent to smacking a hornet’s nest.
  2. Opening Conference. The inspector will tell you the reason for the visit. If it was an employee complaint, you’re entitled to get a copy, but not the name of the complainant.
  3. Examination of Documents. The inspector will ask for your OSHA 300 Log and other accident and injury records. The inspector might also ask to see your written hazard communication program, MSDSs, and your lockout/tagout or other written safety procedures. If you have any doubt that they have a right to see something, ask (courteously) what regulation requires it.
  4. The Walkaround. This is the heart of the inspection. The inspector will identify potential safety and health hazards, evaluate the selection, maintenance, and use of Personal Protective Equipment, document apparent violations, and question employees privately. Do everything you can to co-operate.
  5. Closing Conference. At this meeting, the inspector will go their findings, and if there’s a violation, seek methods and a timetable for correction. You’ll also be told what rights you have and penalties you face if you don’t comply. You can negotiate for more time or lesser penalties. And if things come to loggerheads, you can contest the findings, but you must start this process within 15 days.

The key to coming through this ordeal as unscathed as possible? Keep your wits, act coolly, seek to obey the law and protect your workers, while safeguarding the interests of your business.


By Risk Management Bulletin

Because electricity is so familiar a force, your employees may think they know all its mysteries. Not so! What they don’t know can hurt – or kill — them. Not long ago, much of the state of Florida went dark. Lights went out. Traffic signals quit, causing huge backups. People were trapped in elevators. It turned out that a worker doing equipment checks at a substation had disabled two protective devices on the system. Much was said about the vulnerability of the system.

However, the worker was just as vulnerable: perhaps more so. Electricity, when freed from its bounds by equipment defect — or more often, lapses in safety procedure — is the nation’s fifth-largest workplace killer, causing more than 400 fatalities a year in a recent 12-year span . Many more workers suffered burns and damage to internal organs, often in a fraction of a second. All too many of these accidents resulted from employee ignorance:

Among the leading misconceptions by workers:

  • Normal household/workplace current can cause only a mild shock. Not so! Even 110-120 volts can be deadly. It depends largely on what resistance the person’s body has to the current, the body part in contact, the duration of the exposure, and other conditions, such as the presence of moisture. Resistance is measured in ohms. A person’s body might have a natural resistance of 100,000 ohms. But on a damp day, this resistance can drop to just 1,000 ohms, says Total Training Resource: Electrical Safety.
  • All individuals are similarly affected by contact with electrical current. Again, not so! Different people may react differently to the same exposure. Especially at risk are those with heart problems. Even a mild shock can cause a heart attack, often fatal.
  • “If I don’t touch it, I can’t be hurt by it.” Another dangerous misconception! Electricity can jump across an air space, in what’s called an arc flash, with a temperature three times that at the surface of the sun. Scientists and safety experts are studying the arc flash phenomenon and what makes it happen in some cases and not others. Much is unknown.
  • “A disconnected circuit is safe to work on.” This isn’t the case if the circuit includes batteries or capacitors that store electricity and can release it suddenly even if the “plug” is no longer in the wall. This is the reason that TV sets and similar devices carry “Do not open” warnings on their cases. Even junked sets can be dangerous.

Our risk management professionals would be happy to work with you in developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace electrical safety program. Just give us a call.


By Risk Management Bulletin

Reforms in state Workers Compensation laws, together with improvements in workplace safety, are driving down Workers Comp rates — a trend that, ironically, could lead to more workplace accidents — and, thus, higher premiums. Warns Institute of Workers Comp Professionals co-founder Frank Pennachio, “Declining rates act as blinders for many employers. With lower prices, it’s easy to shift focus away from injury management and cost-containment to other, more pressing business.”

Pennachio points out that every business has its own Comp experience modification rating (“mod”): a discount from, or a premium added to, the average rate paid by other businesses in its class. Because your mod is based on the cost record of your business, the more effective your workplace safety program, the greater your discount, and the lower your rates. To keep your mod (and, thus, your rates) under control, we’d recommend these guidelines for keeping tabs on claims:

  • Go beyond comp rates to use a “big picture” approach that focuses on the total cost of workplace accidents by including such factors as lessened productivity, overtime, and decreased customer service and satisfaction.
  • Make sure that every job in your businesses is categorized accurately by hiring an independent auditor, rather than relying on the insurance company’s audit. If you’re a contractor, for example, the clerical person who manages your truck repair schedule is obviously at a much lower risk for an on-the-job accident than a roofer would be: giving them the same rating just because they both work for you will drive up your premium.
  • Because a history of small, recurring claims can have a greater impact than one large one, pay special attention to repeat accidents, which insurance companies see as a warning sign of a recurring problem.
  • Look into state-run safety programs, such as a drug-free workplace program, that might offer Comp rate discounts.
  • Consider state-authorized industry groups that pool their risks to enjoy lower ratings.

Last, but not least, don’t view Workers Comp as a price-driven commodity. Our risk management professionals work with leading insurers to ensure that you benefit from the product best suited to your needs. We’d be happy to offer recommendations on improving your mod — the most effective way of driving down your costs in the long run. Just give us a call.


By Employment Resources

If you haven’t considered the “graying” of the current workforce, perhaps you haven’t reviewed current Department of Labor statistics:

  • The median age of all U.S. employees is 40.4 years.
  • The median age of employees in public administration is 43.8 years.
  • The median age is 43.5 years in education and 43.0 years at transportation and utility companies.

Compare this data with a statistic provided by UnumProvident, a Tennessee-based group health insurance underwriter. They found that an increase of just one year in the median age of employees could increase claim costs anywhere from 4% to 8%. This is just a sampling of the findings that resulted from their recent study entitled “The Health and Productivity in the Aging American Work Force: Realities and Opportunities.” The population for the study came from UnumProvident’s disability database. Their research included 26.8 million covered individuals and approximately 178,000 employer policyholders.

Although the study revealed that workers age 40 and older display a lower incidence of work injuries, short-term disability, and unscheduled absences than their younger colleagues do, the average amount of time older workers miss because of an injury or illness is almost a third more. The study went on to note that the middle-aged workers account for 50% of all short-term disability claims, and almost 75% of long-term disability claims.

The main reasons for long-term absences for this employee demographic include problems with the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems in addition to mental diseases and cancer. Risk factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, and obesity can lead to healthcare costs for the middle-aged workers that are nearly 300% higher than for younger employees.

The challenge for employers with a significant middle-aged population is to find a methodology to keep their experienced workers, but not subject themselves to the high cost of disability claims in doing so. The answer to the problem lies in establishing wellness programs that meet the health needs of your aging workforce.

The University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center offers the following suggestions for creating an aging workforce wellness program:

Adopt and Implement Policies and Programs Proven to Work.

  • Provide smoking cessation counseling and medications.
  • Provide breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening, and blood pressure and cholesterol risk detection and management.
  • Institute physical activity and healthy eating promotion, with emphasis on weight control.
  • Facilitate smoking bans and stair-use reminders.

Align Employee Incentives toward Receiving Services and Participating in Programs.

Reduce or eliminate cost-sharing — Reducing out-of-pocket costs has been proven to increase use of breast cancer screening and tobacco cessation treatment. Reducing or eliminating these costs for other known high-value services, such as screens for blood pressure, cervical cancer, cholesterol, and colorectal cancer could increase their use as well.

Provide Easy Access and Use — Reducing structural barriers such as location, hours of operation, and availability of childcare has been shown to increase participation in breast and colorectal cancer screening. Creating or improving access to places for physical activity, including walking, also increases the potential for employees to participate.

Communicate “Why” and “How” Information and Track Results

Offer compelling insight, rationales, and guidance for using health promotion services and activities — Motivating employee participation requires communicating about why and how to use the policies and programs being offered. Specifically, Health insurance benefits that include no-cost screening and smoking cessation are more likely to be used if they are promoted using standard marketing and communication principles.

Assess employee needs — Surveys, such as Health Risk Assessments (HRA), can generate information on employee health status and health risks that helps employers make smart, targeted health promotion investments. Survey data, which should be anonymous to the employer, will also establish benchmarks against which employers can assess the effectiveness of their investments over time.


By Employment Resources

Any benefits or human resources professional who has been through an open enrollment season knows the importance of communication in ensuring that the enrollment process goes smoothly and successfully. Yet, overall, employers still have work to do in crafting and delivering communications that engage employees and result in their careful and considered selection of benefits.

A survey from the Guardian Life Insurance Company found that almost half of employees spend little or no time reviewing their benefits options each year. On average, the survey found, employees spend 1.4 hours reviewing benefits selections, compared with the 2.8 hours they spend preparing and filing taxes and the 4.9 hours they spend on holiday shopping. The result, according to the survey, is a basic misunderstanding about the advantages of group benefits products. For example, though 70% of surveyed employees said they knew the differences between Group and Individual Life insurance coverage, almost half of these employees said they thought a medical exam was required to enroll in Group Life insurance. And, though two-thirds of employees said they knew the differences between Group and Individual Disability coverage, almost half believed they needed a medical exam to enroll in the group plan. For both of these coverages, medical underwriting is not typically required. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of the employee-respondents thought that Group Disability coverage would be more expensive than an individual disability product.

Employers recognize these communications challenges. A survey from human resources consultant Watson Wyatt found that communications challenges topped the list of employer concerns during the most recent annual benefits enrollment period, with 63% of surveyed firms citing employee communication as a top challenge. More than a third (36%) cited more fully engaging employees in the enrollment process as a top challenge. In contrast, the surveyed employers were highly satisfied with the transactional aspects of benefits enrollment, with 75% being satisfied or very satisfied with the completeness and accuracy of the selections made (the average company reported that two-thirds of employee enrollments were completed on the Web).

Many of the employers reported employee concerns with those parts of the enrollment process that require employees’ thoughtful decision making — contributions to Health Spending Accounts, choosing between different plans, coordinating with a spouse’s plan. Also, 28% cited the complexity of the enrollment process as an employee concern, while 27% cited employee challenges grappling with plan changes.

The past several years have seen the continued shift of responsibility to workers for an increasing number of decisions involving employee benefits. Clearly, this shift heightens the need for communications that not only inform employees, but also engage them as involved, educated decision makers. Now is a good time to critically review your last open enrollment period, talk with employees about their experiences, and assess both the successes and failures of the process. The information that you glean can be invaluable as you craft communications for the next enrollment period.


By Employment Resources

For 2008, the contribution limit for an individual with self-only coverage under a qualifying high deductible health plan is $2,900. For an individual with family coverage, the limit is $5,800.

A qualifying high deductible health plan, for 2008, is defined as a health plan with an annual deductible greater than or equal to $1,100 for self-only coverage, or $2,200 for family coverage (unchanged from 2007). The limit on annual out-of-pocket expenses is $5,600 for self-only coverage, or $11,200 for family coverage.

The current limits and corresponding 2007 limits for self-only and family coverages are compared in the chart below.

  2007 2008
Self-only coverage minimum deductible $1,100 $1,100
Self-only coverage maximum out of pocket $5,500 $5,600
Self-only coverage maximum HSA contribution $2,850 $2,900
Family coverage minimum deductible $2,200 $2,200
Family coverage maximum out of pocket $11,000 $11,000
Family coverage maximum HSA contribution $5,650 $5,800
Catch-Up Contributions (age 55 or older) $800 $900