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Office Safety

By Workplace Safety

SafetyOffices are not as safe as many people believe. There are many injuries and illnesses that workers suffer in an office environment. The amount of paper, cloth chairs, and drapes are fire hazards. Wastebaskets or chairs in hallways or walkways in the office cubicle setting are tripping hazards. Wet break room or bathroom floors cause slip and fall accidents leading to an injury. Computer users, just like others who do constant repetitive hand motions often develop carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, office automation promotes employees sitting at their desks for long stretches of time.

With these and many other situations giving rise to injury or illness, how can an employer of office workers help prevent office work related claims? There are many preventive measures to take for you and your employees.


Ergonomics is the use of furniture or equipment designed to help workers get the correct range of motion or position while working. For instance, desk workers have chairs that adjust to the proper height, and tilt for worker comfort and good posture.

Computer keyboards slant slightly down, and users have wrist rests for their hands when using a mouse or typing on a keyboard.

Employees who sit all day need breaks to stretch their muscles. Stretching relieves muscle fatigue and a change in position prevents disorders such as carpal tunnel.

Remove or Repair Safety Hazards

Teach employees that desk and file drawers are not left open when not in use. Aisles and walkways must not have chairs, wastebaskets, or any obstacles in them. Use extension cords sparingly and then place them behind furniture next to walls to avoid them, causing workers to trip. A worker who spills something in the break room should immediately wipe the spill up. Employees should report other dangerous conditions to a manager.

Maintenance should insure that lighting works in all walkways and stairwells so that workers see and avoid falling hazards. Loose floor tiles and frayed carpeting need immediate repair — until finished, place floor stanchions that say “caution” around the area of disrepair.

Designate a periodic “inspection” time for employees to look around the work areas and adjacent space for safety hazards.

Management and employees who work together to find hazards before they cause injuries have excellent safety records. Employees are happy, more productive, and feel more loyalty to their employers.

Prevent Costly Slip and Falls!

By Workplace Safety

The bad news: slips, trips, and falls are one of the nation’s leading causes of workplace injuries. The good news: working with safety professionals can help prevent these accidents – and keep your Workers Compensation costs under control.

Falls on the same level (in which workers slip and fall on the surface on which they’re standing) cost Workers Comp insurance companies a hefty $8.61 billion in 2010, accounting for 16.9% of their total claims. That’s the word from Wayne Maynard, Manager of Technical Services and Product Development for the Loss Control Advisory Services unit of Liberty Mutual, the largest Comp carrier in the nation.

According to the Liberty Mutual 2012 Workplace Safety Index, “bodily reaction” injuries – which includes those caused by slipping or tripping without falling – represented $5.78 billion of Comp costs in 2010, or 11.4% of the overall burden,. Falls to a lower level in that year accounted for another $5.12 billion, or 10% of claims.

These costs are rising, due in part to an aging workforce (older worker tend to have more balance problems). Falls on the same level increased 42.3% from 1998 to 2010, while bodily reaction injuries increased 17.6% during this period.

You can help reduce the frequency of slips, trips, and falls by taking such ergonomic enhancements in the workplace as 1) adding slip-resistant flooring; 2) eliminating raised surfaces that might cause tripping; and 3) installing handrails on stairs. Also make sure that your employees take immediate steps to clean up spills that could create slippery floors.

Our agency’s professionals would be happy to provide a complimentary “slip, trip, and fall” safety review of your premises – just give us a call.

Sleep is one of THE most important things to your health

By Life and Health
LH_1108-03Today’s society carries an unrealistic expectation, if not demand, for individuals to fit more and more into their lives. The often teetering balancing act between work and everyday life causes many to defer sleep to get everything that’s expected of them done. Late nights and early mornings can be a recipe for a health disaster.

The problem is that sleep isn’t something that can be brokered and traded for supposedly more important tasks. Most people are fully aware that getting enough sleep is something that’s beneficial to their mind and body, but did you know that getting too little sleep could actually increase your risk of an early death from cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack?

A new study published in the European Heart Journal analyzed data from fifteen different sleep studies that involved adults from various countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Israel, and Japan. The research followed almost 475,000 adults for up to 25 years and found that having sleep disrupted or sleeping less than six hours a night resulted in a 48% chance of dying from or developing cardiovascular disease. The chance of dying from or having a stroke was 15%.

The researchers recommend that six to eight hours of regular nightly sleep is optimum to protect one’s health and reduce their risk of developing chronic illnesses. They also warn that people get into trouble when their sleep is less than five hours per night since this causes problems the next day from being tired and steadily increases the risk of developing a chronic illness in the future.

According the study, chronic sleep deprivation can cause an array of changes to the human body, such as the production of chemicals and hormones that increase the risk of developing strokes and heart disease. For example, cytokines, which are chemical inflammation markers for hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), can be activated by chronic sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation also increases the risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity, which are ironically also known risk factors for heart disease and stroke. For example, hormone changes can lead to certain markers for type 2 diabetes, such as insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

On the other hand, the study’s authors also caution against getting too much sleep. Over nine hours of sleep could have negative implications and be an indicator of a number of underlying illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease or depression.

Although the study does indicate that sleep deprivation should be considered a lifestyle risk akin to sedentary lifestyles, alcohol abuse, and tobacco use, some experts caution that there’s still a lot unknown about the mechanism and causation when it comes to the association between sleep disorders and the increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

In the meantime, those that would like to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke might consider integrating the American Heart Association’s key health factors into their daily lives – reducing blood sugar, controlling cholesterol, managing blood pressure, smoking cessation, weight loss, eating better, and being more active.

Over 50? Life Insurance?

By Life and Health


Fifty might seem old – unless you plan on living past 100, it means that your life is more than half over. However, people at this age today are far younger than they used to be. Think about how your grandparents looked in their 50s and 60s and beyond compared to today’s grandparents.

Although growing older isn’t what it used to be, you might still think that people over 50, who tend to be less healthy than their younger counterparts, can’t afford to buy Life insurance. Not so.

Increased competition in today’s market means that insurance companies are seeking customers of all ages– and that rates are lower than ever. More and more insurers are designing and marketing policies to people 50 and older, which means that they have a far better chance of getting Life coverage.

To help protect your loved ones with Life insurance, at a cost you can afford, we’d recommend these guidelines to a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Watch your weight. Having a normal Body Mass Index (generally less than 25) will improve your chances of living longer.
  2. Deal with any health issues. For example, if you have a condition such as high cholesterol, get it under control, whether by medication or changing your diet.
  3. Exercise regularly, for obvious reasons.
  4. If you’re a smoker, kick the habit. Quitting will not only improve your health, but save you money – which you can invest in helping pay your premium.

Of course, these recommendations apply to Life insurance applicants at any age.

We’d be happy to help you find the policy that can best meet your needs – feel free to give us a call at any time.

Take Control of Your Health

By Life and Health

lh-1701-2You’re not alone if you shy away from the doctor’s office, but you’re not doing yourself any favors by avoiding the doctor. Working with a trustworthy doctor can help you follow better health behaviors. It can also help you detect and treat health conditions early instead of suffering serious consequences later.

Why You Should Find a Good Doctor When You’re Healthy

You may think that you don’t need to worry about finding a good primary doctor if you don’t have any current health concerns now. In reality, that’s the best time to find a doctor because you’re not in a rush. Make an appointment with a primary care physician.

When you meet your doctor, think about whether you feel comfortable talking to him or her. Developing a communicative relationship with your doctor when you’re healthy can make the process easier for both of you should you get sick. It’s also a good time to ask whether you can make any lifestyle changes to improve your health.

Regular Physical Exams Can Prevent Major Problems

Your age, gender, and health history affect recommendations for how often you should have a physical and get routine tests done. These health screenings can identify minor concerns so you can treat them before they turn into serious medical conditions.

For example, changes in your diet and exercise patterns may be able to treat unhealthy cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar if you catch them early. If you wait, you might be stuck with medications and progression to diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. Regular cancer screenings, such as prostate for men and breast for women, are another example.

Positive Effects on Life Insurance

Life insurance premium depend on your risk of dying before the policy term is over. When you stay healthy, your rates are lower. Simple steps such as keeping your cholesterol levels and blood pressure in check help you stay in the lower-risk, lower-rate categories. You can do this by going to your doctor and following orders. Not everyone goes to the doctor as often as recommended, but it’s a good idea.

Finding a doctor that you trust and getting a regular physical can go a long way towards staying healthy and fighting disease if it comes.

Why do you need Disability Insurance?

By Life and Health

lh-1701-1Almost everyone needs Disability insurance. Think about it. Your capacity to earn a living is crucial. Your income makes it possible to buy food, make mortgage payments, provide for your children, take a vacation, and countless other things. Many faithfully pay premiums for car, life, homeowner’s insurance, and perhaps even a pet’s medical insurance, but they neglect this extremely important protection, Disability insurance.

There are few things as disruptive to a family’s happiness as having a parent, or maybe both, lose his/her income due to accident or illness. When income is drastically reduced, it creates stress and unmet needs and expectations. It often creates feelings of guilt in a parent. Life is hard without a reliable source of income.

A LIFE Foundation study states that 70% of working Americans could not be without income for more than one month without serious financial difficulty. Surprisingly, the same study states that one of every four Americans couldn’t last a week if they were seriously injured and unable to work. Clearly, the answer to the question, “Does almost everyone need Disability insurance?” is a resounding “Yes!”

It is important for an individual, and especially important for a family, to have a financial plan. Disability insurance should be one of the foundation stones of everyone’s financial plan, because it protects such an important asset – your income.

Other statistics need to be considered. The Senate Finance Committee states that 70% of people between the ages of 35 and 65 will become disabled for three months or longer and that 90% of injuries will occur away from work.

After you make the decision to purchase Disability insurance, there are still important questions to be answered and decisions to be made. “How large a benefit do I need; how much will it cost to purchase a plan with that level of protection?” “Does my spouse need this kind of policy even if he/she doesn’t work or has a small income?” “How long is the waiting period before I start receiving checks?” “Does my employer offer a disability plan that I am not aware of?” “Will I need this kind of insurance after I reach age 65?” All these and many other questions need to be taken to a capable, experienced insurance agent who is a specialist in this type of insurance. This is an important decision with a great number of complicated considerations, such as, “Is the plan guaranteed to be renewable?”, “What is the maximum benefit period?”, and “Which occupation class does my job fall into?”

Once the decision is made and the policy is purchased and in effect, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You have done what is necessary to protect your happiness with Disability insurance. More importantly, you have protected your family by providing for them if your ability to work is interrupted.

Understanding Pension Plans

By Employment Resources
er-1701-4Attracting and keeping good staff is essential to the longevity of your business. Understandably, the availability of retirement benefits ranks high on the list of employee concerns. Creating a pension plan that’s guaranteed by the federal government adds credibility to your retirement offerings and helps protects your employees.

Under “defined benefit plans,” the employer pays the retired employee a fixed amount for a given period. The amount varies, depending on the employee’s length of service, income earned, and age. Because employers fund these plans by contributing to investment funds controlled by money managers, it’s essential to choose highly qualified and reputable fund managers.

Under the increasingly common “defined-contribution plans,” employees contribute to their own retirement accounts, assuming part of the investment risk. In some cases — ideal for employees — employers also contribute to the plan by matching the employee’s contribution up to a certain percentage. The most common type of defined-contribution plan is a 401(k). Even though employees take an active investment role in defined-contribution plans, your company’s advisors and the money managers you use are still fiduciaries with significant liability risk.

Both types of plan are “qualified” pension plans backed by the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

For more information about qualified pension plans and how to insure them and their fiduciaries, call our service team today.

Work-Life Benefit Options

By Employment Resources

Voluntary benefits have been gaining traction with employers and employees as valuable supplemental coverage to a core benefits package. For example, in today’s age of skyrocketing medical costs, programs such as Disability, Accident, and Critical Illness insurance are increasingly popular with workers concerned about paying for health care.

Although these primary plans have been garnering most of the attention, a number of voluntary “work-life plans” are also important in employees’ daily lives, yet are often overlooked. These benefits are easy to implement and are generally available to employees at special group discounted rates through payroll deduction.

Popular work-life plans include:

    • Identity Theft protection. This coverage help victims manage the cost and hassle involved with clearing their good name and credit.
    • Auto and Homeowners insurance: These basic policies are usually available at group rates.
    • Legal Services. Helps employees pay for the services of licensed attorneys for such matters such as will preparation and real estate purchases.
    • Pet insurance: Assists workers in picking up the tab for the veterinary care that their beloved animal companions need.
    • Discount purchase program: Easier credit qualification requirements and payroll-deduction payments can save money for employees on essential household purchases.

Work-life benefits not only provide helpful coverages at affordable rates, but can also serve as a conversation starter help raise employee participation among other voluntary benefits.

What’s not to like?

Our agency’s professionals would be happy to analyze your benefits program and recommend the work-life options best suited to your employees. That’s what we’re here for!

Choosing the Right Benefits

By Employment Resources

Choosing-a-PR-Agency-photoWith open enrollment season in full swing, now’s the perfect time to evaluate your employee health insurance benefits. Unfortunately, a recent Aflac survey reveals that most employees don’t spend enough time evaluating their benefits packages.

*Two out of five, or 41 percent, of American employees spend under 15 minutes choosing health benefits for the upcoming year.
*Twenty-four percent spend less than five minutes selecting benefits.
*These same employees will research new cars for 10 hours, family vacations for five hours and new computers for four hours.

You owe it to yourself and your future health to invest time in choosing the right health insurance benefits.

Understand Your Benefits

Technical jargon on insurance papers can be confusing, but would you rather wade through it now or miss out on important benefits when you’re sick? Take time now to figure out which procedures are covered, where you can get treatment and how much deductible you’ll owe. Don’t be like 73 percent of employees who don’t understand their health insurance benefits.

Know What’s Changing

Maybe your employer now offers Health Savings Accounts or dental insurance. These benefit changes could help you stay healthy. Unlike 64 percent of employees who don’t take time to understand their benefit changes, you can ask about changes and understand them.

Select Partners for Long-Term Health

Now’s the time to switch coverage options if you want to switch doctors or pharmacies. While you’re inspecting your benefits package, make sure your preferred hospital and lab is covered, too. Your healthcare team partner with you for long-term health, so take time to ensure you can see your preferred partners.

Save Money

When you don’t make a careful decision about your benefits, you could be throwing away $750 a year on wasted premiums and lost benefits, which is what 42 percent of Americans do. Save that money when you invest time in choosing your health benefits.

Choose Premiums You Can Afford

Employers increasingly push rising insurance costs onto employees. By picking and choosing the benefit package options you want, you also select the premium you can afford. A few hours now prevents insurance premiums from straining your family’s budget in the new year.

Although nine out of 10 Americans auto-enroll and keep the same benefits every year, take time to ask your employer or insurance agent questions and verify the exact coverage you want. You’ll be glad you did.

Take a Look at Your Employee’s Financial Health

By Employment Resources

eb-dec-2The financial well-being of your employees affects their health, their productivity and your bottom line!

A recent nationwide survey by Purchasing Power, Inc. found that:

  • A high percentage of employees suffer significant financial stress. More than one in four workers surveyed (28%) find it hard to meet monthly household expenses and nearly half (44%) have less than $2,000 in emergency savings.
  • They bring these concerns to the job. More than four in ten (44%) worry about personal finances during work hours.
  • This stress leaves them less engaged at work and reduces productivity. Nearly three in ten employees (29%) deal with personal finances during work hours and almost half of these (46%) average two to three hours a week on money issues.

Purchasing Power Chief Revenue Officer Elizabeth Halkos offers some recommendations to help your workers maintain their engagement and productivity at the office:

  1. Help them reduce debt by offering education, either in groups (through webinars or with a live speaker) or individually so that workers can learn about topics such as budgeting, intelligent use of credit and savings programs. A referral to a qualified credit counseling agency can provide a useful follow-up.
  2. Give them access to responsible budgeting tools. Offering non-traditional voluntary benefits, such as employee purchase programs ( which allow workers to acquire high-ticket items and educational services on a “forced saving” basis through payroll deduction) can help reduce their financial stress significantly.
  3. Encourage employees to participate in retirement programs such as a 401(k) plan. However, before workers do this, advise them to deal with debt and budgeting issues and tuck away a nest egg.

Our Benefits experts stand ready to help you ensure financial peace of mind for your workers. Just give us a call.