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5 Signs of a Situation About to go Awry

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

They say you never know when an accident is going to happen. That’s what they say. The truth is that while some accidents can blindside us, there are others that are easy to see coming a mile away. You don’t need a magic ball to know what’s going to happen when someone reaches into the oven without an oven mitt. Here are some telltale signs of a situation about to go awry on a construction site:

The Wrong Kind of Shouting

There’s a lot of shouting going on at any given construction site, but most of it is helpful. Shouting “grab us another two by four” over the sound of the belt sander, for instance. Shouting because you’re mad at someone, on the other hand, is a catalyst for disaster. If you have two workers who aren’t getting along, the tension and distraction of having them arguing on the job can lead to serious injury. Handle conflicts between workers before it becomes a problem, and split them up if it does.

Sloppy Housekeeping

Tools not in use need to be packed up, extension cords need to be tucked neatly into corners when possible. The less stuff there is laying around on the floor for your workers to trip on, the less likely it is that you’re going to have someone out on worker’s comp for a month.


We all have our “whoopsie” moments. Sometimes it’s a one-off slip, sometimes it’s a sign that we’re not quite on our game right now. If you have a worker who’s been dropping his tools all morning, maybe let him get some coffee in his system before you have him work the jackhammer.


Passing a drill up and down a scaffolding by dangling it from its extension cord, mounting the top two steps of a ladder, working without safety goggles because we’re only going to be using the bench drill for a few seconds, most of us have been guilty of taking a shortcut like this at some point. Don’t let your team make a habit of it.

End-of-Day Fatigue

The best way to schedule out your work for the day is to save the easy stuff for last. After seven hours of putting up drywall and installing sinks and bathtubs, you’re not going to be in the right state of mind to clear out an old tree stump with a chainsaw and a winch.

When to Hire a Specialist

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

con-feb-2016-3A question we’re faced with on construction job-sites on a pretty regular basis: Should we try to handle this ourselves, with the staff we have on hand, or should we hire someone who specializes in this sort of thing? For instance, almost anyone who’s been working in the industry for a little while probably knows how to install a sink without any help from a plumber, but good luck getting a new house hooked up to the sewer without someone on hand with extensive experience. The trick is knowing when a job can be handled by any capable hand on deck, saving money that you would otherwise spend on a specialist, and when it’s going to be a hassle, and perhaps a disaster, to skimp.

Here are instances where you should certainly hire a specialist:

License Required

If a license is required to operate a certain piece of equipment, or if you need a special permit, then maybe you can do the job just fine, but you’ll wish you’d let someone else handle it when the inspector starts asking questions. Better to hire the professional than risk the fines and penalties that come with skimping.

No Hands-on Experience

Electricians, plumbers and other professionals have apprenticeships for a reason: It’s just about impossible to learn on-the-job without an old hand showing you the ropes. Wiring a home isn’t like making a pizza, you can’t just put anyone on the job and expect them to figure it out. When dealing with a new challenge, you’ll save a lot of time and money letting a specialist handle it. Go ahead and peek over their shoulder while they do it, but don’t waste time, money and supplies guessing your way through a tricky task.

High-Risk Tasks

Mess up a piece of drywall? Big deal. Patch it up when you have time later in the week. Mess up the gas line? You might wind up out of a job, if not in jail. You can “figure it out” when you’re trying to do low-risk tasks on the job. You don’t want to trust your intuition when it comes to the tasks that you only get one shot at, or that might have some serious repercussions if you don’t get it right the first time.

An experienced person on a construction site typically has a little bit of knowledge about nearly every aspect of the job, just as a medical assistant knows a little bit about everything at the hospital. But you don’t trust the nurse to perform the heart transplant, and you don’t want your gofer installing the propane heating system.

Ready to Get Back to Work?

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

con-feb-2016-2Remember that Simpsons episode where Homer was trying to get on worker’s comp so that he could stay at home and collect a free check at the end of the month? Funny or not, it’s actually not the attitude most workers have. Injuries are no fun, and the “free money” you receive when staying at home and recovering from an injury can’t make up for the cabin fever and boredom that go with having nothing to do in a day. Though the public perception of an injured worker may be that they’ve won some sort of lottery, if you run construction jobs for long enough you’ll find that the opposite often turns out to be true: Many injured workers can’t wait to get back on the job, and they might be a little too eager to strap on the tool belt and get back to work.

Assessing whether or not a worker needs a little more time to recover before they get back on the schedule isn’t easy. You’re in construction, not medicine or physical therapy. But, there are a few things to keep in mind that may help you to make the right judgement call:

A Little Too Soon Beats A Little Too Late

Studies have shown that the longer a worker is away from the job, the harder a time they’re going to have getting back into it. With that in mind, it’s often better to let a worker return to the job site and take on lower-intensity tasks while they get back into the swing of things than it is to wait an extra week and expect them to give 110% right away.

Keep An Open Line Of Communication

Make sure your worker knows that they can come to you and let you know when they can’t lift a bag of cement just yet. There’s plenty of work that won’t agitate an injury, so let them know that it’s okay if they want to handle the lighter-duties for now.

Nobody Should Be Working Construction On Heavy Medication

They don’t just put that warning about operating heavy machinery on bottles of prescription painkillers in order to avoid lawsuits. If your worker is still experiencing pain and discomfort to such an extent that a couple over-the-counter Aspirins won’t take care of it, then they’re probably not ready to return to work.

Basically: Don’t be afraid to tell a worker to take it easy when they first come back to work. Getting back to work can help the recovery process, but not when the worker is pushing himself beyond what he can safely handle.

Manage Your Risk by Hiring the Right People

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

con-feb-2016-1We can manage risk with the proper training and by making sure a job site is up to code. We all know that we need safety training, first-aid kits on site, and insurance so that we’re covered if something does happen, but we often overlook safety when making new hires.

Some people are more accident-prone than others. These people might be very talented in any number of ways. They might have a promising future ahead of them working from home or joining a sales team, but construction isn’t for everyone. Here’s what you’re looking for if you’re hoping to avoiding hiring accident-prone employees:

Morning People

Construction is a daytime job. It’s a noisy job, and it’s hard to tile a roof at a quarter past midnight. Some of us love staying out all night, but we can adjust to a morning schedule when the job demands it. Others simply can’t get to sleep at a normal hour, and will wind up coming in to work on no sleep at all, guzzling energy drinks and coffee like water to make it through the day. If you have an employee who never seems to have gotten a decent night’s sleep in the morning, you’ll actually be doing them a favor by letting them go.


We’re not here to judge. Recreational marijuana has actually been legalized in many places and some people function just fine with a little boost in their system (heck what are coffee and cigarettes but drugs, anyways?). Others… not so much. You will need to exercise your own judgement in some cases, but it’s pretty safe to say that anyone coming in to work drunk or so high that they can barely stand up is a risk that you don’t need.


There’s nothing wrong with giving an opportunity to someone who’s never worked a professional construction job before, but you’re not looking to hire someone who’s never even picked up a hammer, and yes, those people are out there. Don’t take for granted that everyone who puts in an application is going to be able to handle basic tasks. You’d be surprised how many people don’t even know to keep their sleeves out of the way of a tablesaw.

An Interest in the Work

Someone who finds the work boring is going to let their mind wander. Someone who’s letting their mind wander isn’t paying attention.

An Even Temperament

There’s plenty of shouting going on on most construction sites. That goes with the territory. What you don’t want is someone who’s always itching for a fight, bickering with the other employees and complaining about the job.

Basically you’re looking for people who come to work ready to work, professionals who know the job and the dangers involved. You can make a professional out of an amateur, but you can’t make a professional out of someone who doesn’t care.

3 Policies You May Not Have Considered (But Should)

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-feb-4A “company” is sort of a weird concept, isn’t it? On the one hand, a company is just a name, a brand that has earned some trust with the public. If Coca-Cola lost all of its funding and all of its bottling plants right now, they could hand the name and the secret recipe over to anyone with a basic working knowledge of business, and the new guy would be making millions of dollars within a week, whether that means selling the concept to Pepsi, or brewing it up at home and selling it on the Internet. On the other hand, your company is also the people who work for you, the building in which you conduct business, the phones, the computers, the furniture, the company cars, and more abstract but still very real resources like money, time, energy and staff morale.

What we’re saying is simply that something as complex as a business presents a lot of vulnerabilities, a lot of risk. We might not always think to cover those risks, we might not even know that those risks exist, and that’s why we put together this list of things you might not think to cover, but should:

Commercial Auto Insurance

Easy question here: Do you use own a personal car that you use for business? We mean more than just driving to and from work. Do you ever deliver items in your car? Do you let employees take your car to make bank drops or to pick up supplies? In business, we’re often working with somewhat fluid definition of what’s what. You may come to a point where your personal auto insurance policy isn’t going to get you everything you need should something happen to a vehicle that has transitioned into being a commercial auto. It may be wise to see if you can cover your personal car under your business policy.

Product Liability

Even if you don’t manufacture physical products, if someone decided to sue you over bugs found in your app, it wouldn’t be the first time that had ever happened to anyone. Through your own fault or the user’s, you can never be 100% certain what’s going to happen when someone uses your product for the first (or hundredth) time. Better to cover yourself, and your customers, than face a scandal and a lawsuit.

Data Breach

Bad news: You can’t really copyright an app. Sure, you have a means of recourse if someone steals your code and releases it themselves… Unless they change the app’s name and make sure nobody finds out they stole code directly from you. Good news: Data breach insurance will make sure that you’re covered anyways.

Is it Time to Step Up Your Policy?

By Business Protection Bulletin
bb-feb-3Some entrepreneurs choose to stay small. The rewards are smaller when you never move your business out of the garage, but so are the risks. To put it one way: You can’t get sued by employees you never hired. There’s nothing wrong with choosing to stay small, but for most of us, the goal is growth. We may start out by selling a few homebrewed apps developed solo or with a few friends, but eventually, we want more than just a spot in the iOS app store, something too big to run on a couple laptops. We want to move into an office, we want to hire top talent at competitive rates, we want to be able to look back and say “I can’t believe we’ve come this far.”

At some point, this means upgrading your insurance. The good news is that it’s easy to know when it’s time to step up your policy. It comes down to this: Have you recently made any investments too big to lose?

You might not need to bother going through the paperwork when you buy a new office chair or upgrade your laptop with some extra RAM, but you shouldn’t wait for major growth to reassess your policy. Suppose, for instance, you’re hiring a freelancer for the very first time since you started your business, and they’re coming by the home office for a meeting. Well, now that you’ve got people coming over in connection with your company, you’re going to need to have some kind of liability policy in place. You don’t need someone twisting their ankle on you doorstep and putting you out of business.

Upgrading your policy has as much to do with exploring new frontiers as it does with your business growing in value. In truth, you might even have a policy that will keep you covered should your company double in value overnight, but will you be covered if you’re shipping out your first physical product and hundreds of units get damaged on the way to delivery?

To put it simply, there’s quite a bit more to being covered than simply making sure that the dollar values are still accurate. As your business grows, it will also change shape, growth is not strictly linear. You will be exploring new avenues of distribution, new ways of developing products and selling services, and you need to ensure that whatever you’re doing, if it involves any sort of risk that you can’t easily cover out-of-pocket, will be taken care of by your policy.


Business Protection Beyond Insurance

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-feb-2Business protection insurance is great, but let’s be honest: insurance is a safety net. Business protection insurance protects the business as a whole by making it easier to recover from a loss, but it only helps you to recover, it won’t stop bad things from happening, it’s not magic, so you need to protect your business in ways other than simply taking out a robust policy. Here are a few points that can help you to reduce the chances that you will have to cash in your policy sooner than you’d like:

Make Safety a Priority

Whether you’re running a construction site or an office, accidents can happen. It’s a good idea to run regular safety checks, make sure your outlets and other utilities are working properly, ensure that you have first-aid kits on hand and that everyone knows where they are, keep a clean house, run fire drills, keep your exits clear, and don’t overwork your employees.

Keep your Software Up to Date

It’s common sense that you need to keep your computer systems secure with the right software, but you should also make sure to keep your operating systems and other software up to date, along with your security software. Outdated software tends to be more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and you don’t want a system crash costing you a week’s worth of work.

Take Physical Security Into Account

No matter how hard you work to keep your computer system secure, it’s not going to stop someone from throwing a brick through the window and stealing thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Cyber security isn’t the only kind of security that matters. Security guard services, better lighting or moving to a safer location when it’s in the budget can all help to keep your business safe.

Practice Regular Maintenance

Have your server room cleaned every six months or so, do regular tune ups on your A/C units and company vehicles, make sure that things are running smoothly. A broken air conditioner probably isn’t going to bankrupt your business, but it’s going to cost you some money and it’s going to be a hassle to repair or replace.

Prepare for Natural Disaster

Study up on how to protect your business from natural disaster at You may be covered against flood and fire, but wouldn’t you rather not have to take several months out of doing business while you rebuild your offices from the ground up?

Reviewing Your Risks

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-feb-1The more your business grows, the more you have at risk should something go wrong. You may have been advised to go ahead and cover every new development as it comes up. Obviously if you’ve just bought a new company car, you’ll want to see how to get that covered under your policy. If you’ve just added your first physical product to your store, then you need to look at insurance to cover physical goods and shipping. Sometimes, however, new risks creep up on us.

This is why we recommend an annual review of your insurance policy and what you need covered. If you want to add a checkup every six months to that program, all the better, but at the very least you should take a day out once a year to make sure that no new liabilities, risks and vulnerabilities have snuck up on you. Here’s what you’ll want to consider:

  • Directors and Officers Liability. This type of insurance will cover you if someone in management winds up being sued for their conduct. You may trust your top brass, but can you be absolutely certain you’re never going to, say, bring on a temp or an intern who misreads their intentions?
  • High-Risk Customers. Have you recently branched out into a new area of business, a new product, a new demographic? Some clients and customers bring a higher risk, and demand greater coverage than others.
  • Employment Practices Liability. Has your turnover rate increased this year? If you wind up needing to fire someone, it’ll be nice to know you’re covered if they decide to call a lawyer about it.
  • Travel. Travel-related liabilities really do sneak up on you. You may not notice that you’ve had your people driving twice as many miles this year as last, but it compounds quickly. You may be able to save some money by covering rental cars and other travel related risks under your business policy.
  • Property Values. Having a successful new business in the area does wonders for property values. Make sure that you’re insured for what your office is actually worth, not just what it was worth when you moved in.

Once a year, you should map out your assets, your resources, your risks, your customer demographics, everything that makes your business what it is, everyone who might sue you, everything that might break, everyone who might quit, and make sure that you have a safety net should something go awry.

2016 Changes in Health Care Insurance

By Workplace Safety

wc-feb-2016-3If you’re familiar with the Affordable Care Act (aka ACA or Obamacare) at all, then you may know just how difficult it was to come to fruition. There was untold amounts of opposition, and then when it finally did roll out, it frustrated and upset a lot of people with a clogged website that failed to keep up with the growing demand, complicated rules and extremely resistant doctors.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind for the new year in health insurance for this controversial bill and beyond:

The ACA is still in effect right now, but Republicans recently pushed a bill through Congress to the president for approval. Obviously, the bill wasn’t approved by Obama, but Republicans did all of this to prove a point. Their goal was to show that they had the ability to get this petition up through the Senate and to the president. Should the president change this year to a Republican candidate, then the outcome would likely be very different. While it will undoubtedly make a lot of people angry to have the ACA repealed, as an employer, you must accept it as a potential reality.

Other potential changes for this year include the introduction of more virtual visits to the doctor. Health insurance works to provide options, convenience and overall cost savings to their program participants. While that may save a little money, the rising costs of health care could cause your premiums to go up.

There may also be more restrictions on higher priced drugs. There are ways for name brand drug companies to skirt around patients ordering generics, which are almost always just as effective. This pushes everyone’s costs up, so there are more steps that doctors will need to go through to justify ordering the expensive drugs. Lipitor, for example, does have a generic version, but there is a small portion of the population that will only respond to Lipitor. If your workers happen to be in a similar situation, then that’s something for them to be aware of.

Depending on your costs this year, you may have wondered if you should use higher deductible plans. This may increase your budget for this year to be put toward additional measures in the business; however, you’ll need to be careful. If you’re planning to do this, you may want to consider discussing this with your employees, as they might feel blind-sided by the change. This is expected to be a major trend for this year, but there will undoubtedly be unseen costs with this type of change.

Regardless of what you choose, knowing what other companies are doing (both your direct competitors and the insurance companies) can help you understand everything in the context of your own business.

Chronic Back Pain and Workers Comp

By Workplace Safety

wc-feb-2016-4According to the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies, there are 100 million people in the US suffering from chronic back pain. This should be a frightening figure for anyone who works with workers compensation because many jobs require long hours of sitting in chairs that may or may not be providing the right ergonomic support. While the odds aren’t great, there are things you can do to improve the overall safety in the workplace. Here are some ways to combat the chances of having unnecessary claims filed for chronic back pain.

  1. Start Making Exercise a Part of Your Day 

    Wal-Mart famously did this by having workers do calisthenics before their shift started. Maybe it seemed too little silly for more professional organizations to adopt the practice, but you certainly won’t find it in most offices. However, just incorporating it into the morning routine could do wonders for productivity and overall worker satisfaction. Basic stretching or even a few lunges will suffice for increasing worker awareness about their back when sitting as well as strengthen the muscles. It also could encourage otherwise sedentary employees to be more active throughout the day.

  1. Post Signs and Send Out Memos

    It doesn’t take very long to do, and again, gets workers to remember that their bodies need to be taken care of are as they work through their daily list of tasks. Let them know the proper posture (back and neck straight and taut) that’s best for warding off this dreaded condition. When people are cognizant of what they’re doing throughout the day, it can encourage better habits that then become second nature. For those who work in a more active environment, caution against workers taking shortcuts such as lifting items with their back.
  1. Offer Choices In Their Environment 

    Investing in the proper chairs is far cheaper than potentially paying out for a workers comp claim or having your insurance premiums raised. Quality chairs can last for years when treated properly, and are smarter choices than their cheaper counterparts. Chair backs should have an angle of 10 degrees while providing support for the small of the back and hips. Feet should be flat on the floor and elbows should be at a 90 degree angle to the desk. You may also want to offer ergonomics balls or stand-up keyboards. These can be morale savers in an office environment for people who want options. Many companies are offering cash incentives too for employees who manage to stay active which is an important part of avoiding chronic back pain. Overweight people are far more susceptible to developing back pain, so encouraging overall wellness in your employees is imperative.