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Use Color for Safety Signs

By Workplace Safety

wc-dec-3Safety signage plays a key role in protecting your workers. To make the most effective use of these warnings in your facility, and comply with OSHA regulations, be sure all employee are familiar with the three colors of workplace signs and pictographs so they can recognize the degree of danger (or safety) even if they don’t have time – or aren’t able – to read the specific message.

Here’s how the system works:

Red stands for danger. Red danger signs and tags, with contrasting black or white lettering, are used in areas where an immediate, serious hazard that can cause death or serious injury exists. Flammable liquid containers are usually colored. Red markings are also used for some safety equipment, such as emergency stop bars, buttons, and switches.

Yellow stands for caution. Yellow and black caution signs and tags warn about potential hazards or unsafe practices that could cause minor injuries. Wet floors, radiation, and “Do Not Enter” signs are colored yellow

Green is for safety. Safety instruction signs have a white background, a green panel, and black and white letters or markings. They provide general safety information. For example, to mark the location of emergency exits, first-aid kits, and safety equipment.

These pictographs or graphic signs are usually self-evident. However, to make sure that all workers understand their meaning, review them in a safety meeting, and then give them a quiz to ensure they can match the hazard to the graphic. The workplace safety professionals at our agency would be happy to help you review your signage policy. Give us a call at any time.

Management Safety Tips: Proper Lifting and High Storage

By Workplace Safety

wc-dec-2Proper lifting technique begins with proper delivery and storage. Plan incoming deliveries when enough labor is available to assist without straining. According to Liberty Mutual’s five year study, overexertion is the number one cause of on the job injuries. We can manage and do better.

Check supplies in, and then put them where they belong. By storing materials quickly, hallways, loading docks, and work areas stay uncrowded. And, employees know where to store and find supplies.

Muscle pulls can occur with relatively light weights. To reduce the frequency of these pulls, try to organize storage so a minimum of reaching high or bending low is required, especially with heavier objects.

Store twenty pound objects at waist height. Any object weighing more than twenty pounds should be stored where hand trucks can be used to move the objects. Do not store objects higher than five feet. People should not reach over their heads to retrieve an object. Reaching risks dropping a load on the employees head.

Sounds like you need more storage space? First, try disposing of all that top shelf long-term stuff. Everyone in business has a certain amount of clutter that accumulates over the years. It’s similar to the attack or garage. Space tends to fill up with stuff. Clean it out. Psychologically, it will make you feel leaner as a company.

Do not overcrowd storage areas. Overcrowding promotes two bad hazards. Trips and falls occur more frequently in overstuffed storage areas. Unusual twisting and bending of the torso occurs more frequently in disorganized or overcrowded storage.

Design and designate storage space so adequate supplies or materials can be on hand without employees needing to twist, turn, strain or trip and fall to get them. Organized, safe storage promotes more professionalism. People tend to maintain inventory as they find it. Safety is the result of proper planning and implementation of storage management.

Too Hot to Work…Be Careful!

By Workplace Safety

wc-dec-1High heat and construction work are simply not compatible. Yet, the work must get completed. Workers must wear protective clothing and gear which diminishes the body’s capacity to shed heat. This fact combined with high heat creates specific exposures which require vigilant monitoring.

Short-term exposures to heat and humidity:

  • Prevention: Drink plenty of water – a good test is the employee must urinate every three hours at a minimum, two hours is better. If they do not need to urinate, they are not getting adequate fluids. Wear breathable clothing such as cotton. Work in the shade or indoors as much as possible, take frequent water breaks in the shade.
  • Heat exhaustion: the stage prior to heat stroke when many symptoms from dehydration can be noticed. Any dizziness, nausea or vomiting, cramping, or sudden weakness requires immediate attention. Headaches, blurred vision or unusual fatigue can be signs of heat exhaustion. Rest the worker in the shade, loosen tight clothing and provide water. Observe the employee for several minutes. If they quit sweating or any symptom becomes worse, or they breathe rapidly or have a quick pulse, seek emergency medical help immediately.
  • Heat stroke: LIFE THREATENING. Add these to the heat exhaustion symptoms:
    • Hallucinations, confusion, disorientation, illogical behavior
    • High body temperature, red or pale skin, difficulty breathing
    • Unconsciousness or coma

Seek immediate professional help for these symptoms.

Bacteria carrying insects love this weather. Lyme disease and West Nile Virus are not uncommon. Prevention includes spraying mosquito deterrent and checking for ticks.

Long-term exposures include skin cancer. Wear protective clothing and use sunscreen.

Common sense goes a long way to prevent over-taxing workers. If a concrete pour is scheduled for an extremely hot day, postpone. You’ll spare your employees heat related discomfort, and the odds of getting the concrete in before it sets is remote at best.

Remember your machine operators too. Check on them throughout the day and carefully observe their performance. Any signs of erratic behavior needs to be addressed immediately. Even air conditioned cabins can create dehydrating condition in the hot sun.

If you want your crew working Friday, you need to supply plenty of water and shaded rest breaks Monday through Thursday. The body can only take so much heat.

Be Careful About Who You Hire

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-1-1511In 1999, a California plumbing company hired a man who had once been convicted of domestic violence against his ex-wife. In 2003, the man made a house call that sparked a friendship with the woman living there, a relationship that eventually grew romantic. That same year, the plumbing company fired him for a variety of offenses, including drug and alcohol use and alleged physical threats against a co-worker. Two years later, the woman he was with ended the relationship and sought a restraining order against him. He responded by shooting her to death, a crime for which he was convicted.

The victim’s daughter sued the plumbing company, alleging that it was negligent in hiring the man. Although that suit was unsuccessful, the case illustrates the vulnerability businesses have to claims of injury caused by their employees. Courts may find an employer guilty of negligent hiring if all of the following factors are present in the case:

  •  When the employer hired the person, it knew or reasonably should have known that he was unfit for the job and dangerous. For example, if an accounting firm knowingly hired a person who has served time in prison for embezzlement, a client who suffered a theft loss because of him could plausibly claim that the employer should have known that he was unfit for the job.
  • The employer should have foreseen that the employee would harm someone. The accounting firm should have anticipated that a convicted embezzler left in charge of clients’ assets would feel tempted to pocket some of them. In the California case, the victim’s daughter argued that the plumbing company should have foreseen that its employee could injure or kill a female customer. The court rejected that argument, saying that no reasonable person could foresee that the man would turn violent two years after being fired.
  •  The employer’s act caused the victim’s injury or harm. A client of the accounting firm could argue that, if the firm had not hired the convicted embezzler, he would still have $1 million in the bank. The California court said that the plumbing company’s act of hiring the woman’s killer did not cause her death because the relationship developed outside of his work duties and did not turn into romance until after the company fired him.

There are two ways businesses can obtain Liability insurance to protect themselves against claims like these. In cases of bodily injury or property damage, the Commercial General Liability insurance policy might provide coverage. Businesses should review their policies carefully with an insurance agent, however, because some policies might contain endorsements that remove coverage for liability resulting from employment practices. Also, the CGL policy would not cover a loss such as the embezzlement claim against the accounting firm because there is no bodily injury or property damage. Employee Dishonesty insurance might cover incidents such as this. Also, some Employment Practices Liability insurance policies might provide coverage, but they must have special endorsements adding coverage for liability to non-employees. Again, businesses should work with their insurance agents to verify that they have the proper coverage.

Insurance is no substitute for an employer doing a thorough background check on job applicants before hiring them. Taking steps to reduce the likelihood of a negligent hiring claim will save the business costs that insurance doesn’t cover, such as those arising from poor workplace morale, harm to the business’s reputation, and difficulty attracting skilled employees. A new employee is a significant investment for any business; making careful hiring decisions will save it long-term trouble and expense.

Costly Code Compliance Mistakes

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

con-4-1511Complying with comprehensive legal and regulatory codes plays an essential role in constructing safe, energy-efficient, and “sustainable” buildings – and helps drive up the cost of Construction Insurance.

The International Code Council, a think tank of building officials and engineers, keeps writing increasingly complex building codes that cover every aspect of residential and commercial construction from foundation to roofs. Consider this: the ICC manuals doubled in thickness from 2003 to 2009. By adopting new ICC standards, local and state governments seek to limit their liability and protect their communities more effectively. The National Fire Protection Association and the International Fire Code Council have developed and adopted stronger building codes to protect building occupants and firefighters.

Continuing revisions and updates to building access standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act require extensive and costly improvements.

What was once seen as a moral obligation to sustainable building practices is becoming mandatory. You might have heard the terms Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, which distinguish the “greenness” of a building. More and more municipalities are requiring new buildings to meet the rigorous LEED design, construction, operations, and maintenance standards developed by the U.S. Green Building Council.

Compliance with all of these legal and regulatory requirements is boosting construction costs and lengthening timetables throughout the nation. At the same time, failure to comply with building codes has triggered a significant increase in the number and size of insurance claims – which keeps driving up premiums – and pressures contractors to recover their costs by raising prices.

To help you keep up with the potpourri of building codes, keep your Construction insurance program protecting you and keep your premiums under control, feel free to consult the professionals at our agency. We’re here to serve!

Virus Alert – What’s at Risk?

By Cyber Security Awareness

cyber-1511-1When people talk about viruses and malware and worms, they might say something like “Won’t that mess up my computer?” In truth, viruses cannot damage the hardware directly. All a virus is is a piece of code that self-replicates to attack the data on your computer.

There is something of a gray area there, of course. There are instances where viruses can stop your hardware from working properly, but they can only do this by messing  with your data. In other words, anyone who tosses a computer in the trash because viruses brought it to a halt is probably throwing money away.

If your hardware stops working after a nasty infection, you’re probably looking at malware that has attacked your driver software. By deleting or corrupting the software that, say, allows your keyboard to communicate with your motherboard, it may seem as if the virus has just broken your computer, but all you really need to do is eliminate the virus and then download the driver software again.

A virus could, in theory, damage the hardware by causing overheating, but this is hardly a concern with modern computers. Back when you only had about half a GB of storage space, a virus could stop your fans from working, for instance, and if you keep running your computer in that condition, then yes, overheating and eventual hardware damage may take place. This is hardly a concern for computer users in the 2010’s, though. Computers are considerably more durable today.

Any damage that a virus can do to your computer can be reversed with a fresh install. You might lose some data in the process, which is why regular backups and cloud based computing are always a good idea. Generally speaking, hardware damage is not a real concern when it comes to viruses. Viruses seek to mangle your data, not your hard drive.

What is Product Liability Insurance?

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-4-1511Product Liability Insurance helps protect your company from damages for losses related to manufacturing or selling products or other goods.

These claims can, and do, put businesses out of business – just ask the officers of any asbestos manufacturer.

Companies are vulnerable to three types of products claims

  1. Manufacturing or production flaws that create an unsafe defect in the product. For an example, just recall the recent claims against Chinese manufacturers for using dangerous chemicals in their products.
  2. Design defects that make the product inherently unsafe. (The series of lawsuits against Toyota vehicles for defective acceleration controls during the past two years comes to mind.)
  3. Inadequate warnings or instructions, such as failing to label a product properly or advise consumers about potential risks. A famous example is the McDonald’s “hot coffee case.”

Damages can include medical costs, compensatory damages, economic damages, and (in some instances) attorney fees and costs, as well as any punitive damages. Some sellers and retailers choose not to buy Product Liability Insurance because they don’t actually “manufacture” anything. However, most states follow the “stream of commerce” model of liability, meaning that if your company sells a product, you can be held liable for damages to the end user. “Business Owners” and Commercial General Liability policies usually include some type of Product Liability Coverage (Sometimes known as Product/Completed Operations Insurance).

Premiums are based upon the type of product and sales volume. If you try to reduce premiums by underreporting sales or insuring only a percentage of your sales, you’ll probably face a hefty “underinsurance” penalty. Make sure to identify your products properly, too. For example; if you supply stepstools, you don’t want them categorized as ladders, which have a higher premium because of their greater risk potential.

Business Insurance: What to Purchase?

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-2-1511Most business owners would agree that it’s important to maintain insurance to protect business assets. When they think about insurance, business owners generally consider protection against hazards such as fire, flood or theft at their company sites. This is obviously an important protection to have. However, there are other types of hazards that may not be quite as high on the list, but protection could be every bit as important to offset significant financial losses. Here are five examples that underscore the need for comprehensive business insurance protection:

Company vehicle contents: If you operate a business with employees on the road making service calls to customers, chances are there is valuable equipment contained in the company vehicles. But a typical auto insurance policy would probably not cover the contents of a company vehicle if that valuable equipment is lost or stolen.

Tenant property improvement insurance: Do you rent space to conduct your business? Have you built out the interior of your space or made improvements to accommodate your business needs? If so, you probably made a considerable investment in the improvements. But many property insurance policies don’t include the value of the improvements made by a tenant to the existing structure. If you’ve invested in improvements, it’s worth taking a look at securing coverage to protect it.

Home-based business equipment: More and more people are working at home at least part of the time, even if they maintain an office or site elsewhere. Most don’t have insurance on the business equipment they keep at home; many assume their homeowner’s insurance would cover it. However, homeowner’s insurance generally does not cover business equipment. If you have expensive business equipment at home, you may want to consider purchasing additional protection.

Business interruption insurance: Remember the series of hurricanes that hit Florida? The wild fires that damaged cities and towns in California? The flooding that disrupted life in the Midwest? In addition to the effect that disasters have on individuals, they can bring businesses to a standstill for weeks or even months. Business interruption insurance can provide a way to get back on your feet.

Key person insurance: In many companies, the knowledge and skills of a single person or a top few are absolutely essential to the enterprise’s success. Key person insurance can help a company recover if an essential employee dies or becomes disabled for a lengthy time. The coverage can provide needed funds that allow the company to continue operating during a search for a successor or until the key employee returns.

As you can see, there are many hazards businesses face that aren’t covered under a typical insurance policy. However, you can get extra protection with the types of coverage outlined here. Since you invest so much time, money and effort into your business, it pays to make sure you have the protection you need.

Your Business and Social Media

By Business Protection Bulletin

bb-3-1511By the beginning of 2011, the social networking Website Facebook had more than 600 million users. An estimated 200 million people use micro-blogging service Twitter. The business networking site LinkedIn has reported that it has more than 100 million members. In addition, the Internet hosts millions of blogs and tens of thousands of podcasts. These sites and media, popularly known as “social media,” have opened up new ways for people and businesses to communicate with each other. As the numbers show, they have become extremely popular. Consequently, businesses are increasingly using social media to reach current and potential customers.

However, use of these services presents risks together with the potential benefits. For example:

  • Employees making posts on these sites might make inaccurate statements, particularly when not all the relevant facts of a developing situation are known.
  • They might inadvertently release confidential information.
  • They might make statements that embarrass the company, such as negative remarks about racial or ethnic groups.
  • They might make statements that violate a person’s privacy.
  • Disparaging statements might provoke others to sue the company for libel. For example, if an employee of a restaurant posts on Twitter that a competitor’s stew looks and tastes like cheap dog food, the competitor might sue.
  • Blog posts that offer advice might expose the employer to lawsuits if others take the advice and get undesirable results.
  • Disgruntled customers, employees or competitors might post disparaging comments about the company.
  • Any of these situations can harm the company’s reputation.

The company’s General Liability insurance policy might not pay for the costs of defending against these claims or paying settlements. For example, the insurance will not cover losses resulting from:

  • An injury caused by or at the direction of an employee when he knew that the action would violate a person’s right to privacy.
  • An injury caused by or at the direction of an employee when he knew that a statement was false.
  • Claims that the business’s products or services do not live up to statements about their quality.
  • Injury arising out of statements made on Internet chat rooms or bulletin boards the business owns or over which it has control.
  • Unauthorized use of someone’s name or product in a manner that misleads that company’s potential customers.

In addition, the insurance only covers liability for certain types of injuries that are not bodily injuries. It will not cover a lawsuit filed by someone who suffered financially after relying on advice on the company’s blog. To reduce the chance that an uninsured loss will result from the use of social media, businesses should consider:

  • Written procedures for employee use of social media, including:
    • Who may post on the company’s behalf.
    • Definitions of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
    • Employees’ personal sites should make clear that that the employees are not speaking on behalf of the company.
    • When a discussion should move offline and into the company’s regular workflow (for example, when a customer has a specific complaint that should be handled out of public view).
    • The consequences of non-compliance.
  • Company policies regarding employees’ ability to link to the company’s Website on their personal social media pages. The policy should also address employees’ use of the company name, logo, or other advertising on their sites.
  • Company policies on the content that employees may post on blogs, both those of the company and others blogs where the employees post on the company’s behalf.
  • Purchasing special insurance to fill in gaps left by the General Liability coverage.

Social media offers exciting new opportunities for businesses to build relationships with customers. However, they need to approach it with care and proper planning if they want to reduce the risks.

Understanding Your “Triggers”

By Construction Insurance Bulletin

con-3-1511A “coverage trigger” is an event that causes your Liability policy to pay a claim. There are two basic types of “triggers”: occurrence and claims made.

An “occurrence” trigger means that the policy will cover any injury or damage during the policy period. For example, if a roof that you installed four years ago collapsed last week, injuring five people, the occurrence trigger will apply and the policy will pay. It doesn’t matter when the roof was built or when the claim was filed – only when the actual injury took place.

A “claims-made” trigger, as the name suggests, focuses on the date the actual claim is made. Underwriting and rating provisions might limit how far into your past the policy provides coverage. However, the key question is: “did the claim come in during the policy period?” If so, a “claims-made” Liability policy will pay. Using the example of the collapsing roof, it doesn’t matter when the roof was built or when the event took place, the trigger won’t apply until the claim is filed.

If this claim is made during the current policy period, your insurance company will pay it. However, suppose the claim isn’t made for several weeks; and by the time it arrives, your current coverage has expired and you’re into a new policy period? In this case, the “claims-made” policy will pay the claim, since it was made during the new period.

One type of trigger isn’t necessarily better than the other. However, it’s almost always wise to keep the current type in order to provide relatively seamless coverage.

If you’re offered a Liability policy that offers broader coverage or more attractive pricing – but has a different trigger than your current insurance – consult with us before you make a decision. The only way to be sure you get the protection you need at a fair price is to consider all possible underwriting considerations and how the change in trigger might affect your liability needs.