- Follow Established Procedure
Your company’s employee handbook should outline the company’s procedure for addressing, reporting and handling harassment of any kind. Follow that procedure for every online harassment claim since it protects the victim and prevents company lawsuits.
- Follow Established Procedure
- Investigate Complaints Immediately
As soon as an employee complains about online harassment, start an investigation. Gather supporting documents, such as printed emails or social media messages. You can request those records from your internet service provider or ask the police for assistance. You will also interview witnesses, including the complainer and any coworkers or friends who can support or dispute the harassment claim.
- Investigate Complaints Immediately
- Don’t Retaliate
Retaliating in any way against someone who files a discrimination complaint or is accused of discrimination is illegal. Examples of retaLiation include:
- Threats
- Shift or duty changes
- Isolation from company functions
- Demotion
- Pay cuts
- Discipline
- Termination
- Don’t Retaliate
- Record Details
Create a written record of your investigation for your company records and in case you need to take legal action. Include the steps you take to resolve the issue, who you interview and all the documents you receive. Document the outcome and any related actions, too.
- Record Details
- Cooperate With Authorities
If the police or other agency becomes involved in the harassment claim, cooperate fully. Provide documents and explain how you handled the investigation.
- Cooperate With Authorities
- Implement the Appropriate Actions
If you find that an employee was perpetrating the online harassment, take appropriate action, which could include a warning, counseling or termination. If the harasser is not an employee, consider blocking or filtering communication from them or report them to the police.
- Implement the Appropriate Actions
- Maintain Confidentiality
Protect the victim and the integrity of your case when you keep details of a harassment case private. Confidentiality also decreases interoffice rumors and drama and increases the likelihood of a fair and swift resolution.
- Maintain Confidentiality
- Educate Your Team
Host regular trainings that outline what online harassment is and how to prevent it. Be sure everyone knows that your company has a zero tolerance policy against harassment of any kind from any source.
- Educate Your Team