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Your Employee Matters


By Your Employee Matters

According to a nationwide Gallup survey on the reasons for turnover, the second-leading reason for losing employees was lack of a career path (i.e., I’m OK today, but where’s my future in this job?). The DOL has done an excellent job of creating a tool that can create competency models for different careers, as well as supporting career ladders or lattices. You can use these resources (click here) for recruitment and hiring purposes as well as career planning. We also provide a number of career ladders created by the South Florida Manufacturers Association, which you can use as templates for any job. You’ll find them at the end of the hiring forms in HR That Works.


By Your Employee Matters

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employers from telling coworkers anything about an employee’s disability, including the fact that an employee is receiving an accommodation. However, in some cases, the employee might want to educate coworkers voluntarily about the disability and accommodation, especially if their coworkers are going to notice the accommodation anyway. For example, if an employee with a disability is using a service dog at work, it might be useful to educate coworkers about service dogs. Or, suppose an employee has severe allergies and needs to avoid inadvertent exposure at work. Here are some general guidelines for employees with disabilities communicating information about their disability and accommodation to their fellow workers:

  • Keep the conversation work related.
  • Let coworkers know why you’re telling them about your disability.
  • Don’t assume that they know anything about your disability; be prepared to provide general information if relevant.
  • Let coworkers know what you need from them and why you need it.
  • Explain to them what accommodations you’ll need and how they will help you perform your job.
  • Be positive and open, but limit the information you provide to the amount that you’re comfortable sharing.

– Linda Carter Batiste, J.D., Principal Consultant, Job Accommodation Network (JAN)


By Your Employee Matters

An EEOC a press release has announced an increase in discrimination claims in FY 2010. This comes as no surprise, given record unemployment rates, and the fact the commission invites more claims than ever and has expanded its jurisdiction. Here’s the point: Be prepared! Have the right policies and procedures, basic training for managers and rank and file, Employment Practices Liability Insurance (ask your broker about EPLI), and legal support when you need it. The HR That Works program provides all of these tools.


By Your Employee Matters

Click here to see a typical request from an EEOC office when investigating a claim of discrimination. To what degree would you be able to comply with, or fear such a request? Just looking at the amount of information requested can make your head spin.

P.S. If you ever get such a request, contact your employment law attorney and insurance company immediately!


By Your Employee Matters

In Smith v. Hy-Vee, Inc., Drew Smith brought sexual harassment and retaliation claims due to conduct caused by Sheri Lynch, a tech cake decorator, who engaged in rude, vulgar, and sexually charged behavior toward Smith, and apparently all the other employees. The court stated that since Lynch did not seem to be “sexually motivated” toward Smith or any of the other employees, but simply out of control with all of them, there was no sexual harassment. (Many courts or juries will conclude otherwise – see the “Editor’s Column” in this newsletter.) The issue in the case, however, was whether or not Smith had a reasonable belief that it was against the law and if the company retaliated against her because of her complaints. The court ruled that because she had to show the “good faith” nature of her belief, the facts from the underlying claim would be admissible at the retaliation trial. (What lawyers call having to “try a case within the case.”)

This case carries two lessons for employers:

  1. If the crazy facts in this case are even slightly true, how did an employee like Sheri Lynch stay employed at Hy-Vee? Smith stated she reported incidents of harassment to at least 12 different managers and co-workers, making 66 to 101 complaints to management. Interestingly, Hy-Vee denies Smith ever complained. The company claimed that there were a number of incidents in which Smith herself did not act appropriately or questioned the authority of supervisors. She was also written up for making mistakes in cake and bagel orders during her final weeks of employment.
  2. Although rude, vulgar, and obnoxious bosses might not end up generating a harassment or discrimination claim, they easily can trigger a legitimate retaliation case and expensive litigation. (Think about it — thousands of dollars in lawyers’ fees over cakes and bagels.) Remember that when employees bring these underlying complaints, they don’t have to use magic words like “harassment,” “discrimination,” or “retaliation” in order to trigger protection.


By Your Employee Matters

Dept. Fair Empl. & Hous. v. Avis Budget Group (Reed)

Complainant Eleanor Reed was a customer service representative for Avis Budget Group (Avis) at its San Francisco Airport location. In June 2006, she requested a reasonable accommodation of a six-hour shift for her mental disability (post-traumatic stress disorder). She previously had been granted the accommodation without any problems, and had succeeded in performing her essential functions with the accommodation. Avis decided to place her on unpaid leave and thereafter requested medical documentation. Reed provided the documentation requested, including the diagnosis, the reasons for the accommodation, and why it would allow her to perform the essential functions of the job. However, she refused to agree to a blanket release of her medical records, including several years of psychiatric records that detailed decades of sexual and other physical and mental domestic abuse, or to provide unfettered access to her treating psychiatrist.

Avis decided that the doctor’s documentation was inadequate, and requested that she provide the full medical records release and access to her doctor or submit to the company’s physician for evaluation. Avis did not engage with Reed about the purported inadequacies or give her an opportunity to augment the doctor’s information to support the request for accommodation. Approximately five months after placing Reed on unpaid leave, Avis finally obtained an independent medical opinion that agreed with the opinion of her doctor. Even though it provided no further information as to the reason for the accommodation, Avis finally accepted the opinion and agreed to grant an accommodation. However, it looked at its “seasonal” need and placed Reed on a severely reduced work schedule that removed her from eligibility to bump another employee with less seniority when Avis laid off four employees, including Reed, the following month.

The Fair Employment and Housing Commission ruled in favor of the Department and against Avis for unlawful inquiries about the employee’s disabilities, failure to engage in the interactive process, denial of reasonable accommodation, and failure to take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent discrimination. The Commission ordered an award of $89,863.70 ($14,863.70 in back pay and $50,000 in emotional distress damages to Reed; and $25,000 in an administrative fine to the General Fund), plus affirmative relief of postings and training for management personnel on reasonable accommodation.

Lessons to learn:

  1. Limit the medical information you request or receive to that which relates directly to the accommodation issue. Asking for anything more only invites problems.
  2. Never, ever, give up on the accommodation dialogue. Whoever quits first loses.
  3. Make sure not to “penalize” someone who has requested an accommodation.
  4. Realize that there is often “something else” going on with a person that’s none of your business! Focus on their productivity and disability, not the cause of their disability.

Click here to read the case.


By Your Employee Matters

A recent OSHA press release advised companies that an employer who requires employees to text while driving or organizes work so that “texting is a practical necessity” are violating the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In its news release, OSHA further states that it will investigate complaints about these practices promptly and if it concludes that an employer has compelled employees to text while driving, issue citations and penalties to end the practice. OSHA explains that employers have the “responsibility and legal obligation to create and maintain a safe and healthful workplace” – and this includes having a clear, unequivocal, and enforced policy against the hazard of texting while driving. Companies are violating the Occupational Safety and Health Act if, by policy or practice, they require texting while driving, create incentives that encourage or condone this, or they structure work so that texting is a practical necessity for workers to carry out their job. Employers who have not already done so should set a policy on the use of electronic devices while driving and make sure employees understand that texting while driving is prohibited. Article courtesy of Worklaw® Network firm Shawe Rosenthal (


By Your Employee Matters

I’ve noticed a rash of victimization hitting center stage. Business Week recently ran a long article about workplace bullying. The Obama administration has become adept at finding workplace victims like never before. How is a business owner or manager supposed to deal with all of this? Don’t let employees play victim on you! Challenge them to participate and come up with solutions to known problems. Allow them to become directly responsible for what they can control. It’s hard to cause problems when you’re responsible for making things happen. Nobody has time for emotional nonsense at great companies.


By Your Employee Matters

An article in the September/October 2010 Scientific American Mind discussed why some office spaces alienate office workers, while others make them happier and more efficient.

The bottom line: Let your employees have input in “decorating” their environment. According to survey responses, giving workers a say in the physical aspects of their workspace reduced the negative effects of noise and distractions. The article also warned employers that efforts at making “hangout rooms,” etc. will fail if you don’t include employees in designing these environments.


By Your Employee Matters

In a Business Week interview, Vinay Mistry of AON stated that the company’s management team covers more than 370 risks, from nanotechnology through climate change. They have designed and implemented realistic disaster scenarios for the top 20 exposures, from hurricanes to plane crashes and earthquakes.

The emerging risk areas discussed included synthetic biology, digital risk and cybercrime, “space risk,” which is based on the impact the solar cycle has on satellites, as well as the impact of climate change.

What can we learn from this? First, identify the dozens of risk exposures that apply to your company. Work with your insurance broker and legal counsel to make sure you do this the right way. Then focus on the most likely scenarios and have a plan for preventing and dealing with each of them. The risk exposures your company faces are both insurable and non-insurable and include, but are not limited to:

  • IT systems and their ability to handle hurricanes, power outages, hacking attempts, etc.
  • Employment Practice Liability exposures
  • Errors and omissions exposures
  • Health and safety exposures
  • Work Comp exposures
  • Product Liability
  • Environmental liabilities
  • Rapid loss of clientele
  • Poor vendor or supplier relations
  • Economic pressures, including diminished markets
  • Exposure to competition, including offshore activity
  • Financial exposures lacking proper checks and balances
  • Lack of available capital
  • Cyber-liability and social media exposures
  • Turnover and morale problems

This is, of course, a short list that applies to most companies. If you’re an HR That Works member, take comfort in knowing that we can help you with your HR risks!